Change Exchange Backend HTTP Port

Dec 10, 2006
I have two Exchange 2003 back-ends and two Exchange 2003 front-ends on my network. I want to run Apache on Port 80 of the two back-ends for some various intranet stuff. However, if I change the port IIS runs on the front-ends no longer work. How can I make the front-ends access the back-ends through a different HTTP port other than 80? Is this even possible?
If its Intranet stuff, isnt it easier to put the apache stuff on a different port,?
Not entirely sure you can change the port that the front end servers use to communicate to the back end servers. Multihoming your network adapter would be your best bet, configure exchange services to listen on one IP, configure Apache on the other IP. Here's a list of Exchange's port usage

You can set specific ports for many of the services, but port 80 doesn't appear to be changeable.