Champions Online, yay or nay?

I will give it a shot when the free trial comes out. Im not expecting much though.
Did you like CoH? Its better than that, but not ground-breaking in new features, which still makes it the best superhero game around.
I haven't gotten past the "learning" territories people said, and was still learning it..but I've really been thinking about it, and really want to get it...I say jump on it.
Give it a awhile, but I suspect it will end up being a pass for most people since it's not really much of an improvement over COX and isn't bringing anything new to the table. The one travel power I like on it versus COX is teleport, and I really enjoyed the travel powers in COX.

I just might not be much of a super hero MMO player, I mean I want to like em but meh.
I actually like it quite a bit. Fast travel powers at level 6 is a BIG plus imho.
depends on how bored you are. I haven't got to high levels yet but I had fun last night. My 2 friends and I were running around doing quests together. Working together is extremely fun.

I can see where flying SOLO would suck major balls.

Creating your own character was pretty damn fun. There are TONS of different options. I don't know how COx was but I know I was impressed when making my super hero in this game. I do feel unique amongst the population. I haven't seen 1 person that looks like the other so far and I played 4 hrs last night in many zones/instances.

This game is instanced btw. I didn't really notice it but it's like AoC. You have an instance of whatever zone you're in. There's also a lot of loading. So something to keep in mind if you're impatient. My friend has A.D.D. but still seems to make it through it... i think the medication helps w/ that ^-^

If you're bored and just need something to play a bit.. go for it.. it's pretty fun. Will it last? I doubt it. I don't see any "AWESOME" features that'll make me play for a few years like SWG and world of warcraft did.

I would say it's still probably better than WoW in it's current state. WoW is just fubr "IMO" right now. I think they need to revamp the game because right now it's just.. Oh look I got this new piece of gear yesterday... "Didn't you just get a new chest piece a couple days ago?".
I've leveled 3 heroes into their teens - and I give the game a big 'nay'. The hero creation is excellent. Even the tutorial parts are somewhat fun. But once you get out into Millennium City proper - it really starts to sink in how bland this game is.

Graphics are pretty dated, and even the atmosphere, the environment, just has no character. Textures are borderline awful. Random groups of bad-guys just littered amongst the city, just standing there as if they're waiting to be beat up. Missions are very run of the mill, with absolutely nothing you haven't seen before. Lot's of glitches and quirks, subpar voice acting, all hint at a B-level game with moderate production values.

I was pretty unimpressed. Luckily Gamestop allowed me to return my preorder, so I was happy to get my money back.
I've only seen 1 bug so far and that's in Canada.. Unable to attack an enemy that's walking around kickn the crap out of everyone.. Not targetable.

Other than that the launch has been the best I've seen so far. No crashes from what I saw and I never got disconnected from the server. Think about how some of the major mmo's launched. WoW was a freakn mess for 2 weeks. SWG.. well that was really bad.. I'll give it a couple weeks before I start qq'ing about bugs n'stuff :p

"just standing there as if they're waiting to be beat up"
I haven't seen an MMO that doesn't have this. Not attacking what you say by any means. Just stating all MMO's are like this "That I've played". Seriously why are Imperial storm troopers doing standing out in the middle of the desert? What about those Water Thieves in Tanaris? Many more examples could follow this but I'll just stop there.

AI in mmo's just altogether seem horrid.
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What a waste of $50. I'll play this game for 2 weeks tops then get bored with it like I do with every other game.
They had to rush this out the door to beat the Aion launch. While it’s a premature launch, for sure, it would have been suicide to do otherwise.

The overall quality of the game is fairly decent. There are very few bugs for a game that just launched. I haven’t crashed once. No falling through the earth or invisible mobs. I think only 1 or 2 missions so far have been bugged (out of hundreds).

The biggest flaw with this game is the super powers. There are so many powers to choose from. Also, there are no classes and everyone can have every ability. This makes the game impossible to balance. The powers range from “completely worthless” to “game breaking”. Because of this they’ve been swinging the nerf bat fast and hard in every direction. Also, they made the cost to respec abilities so ridiculously high that you’re probably better off just re-rolling. The game right now is a complete nightmare.

All that said I’m actually kinda having fun. The game almost has a “Two Worlds” level of charm to it. Where the balance is just so fubar it’s entertaining, at least for a short while…
Wow, first off.. Two worlds was terrible..

I keep telling people but they don't listen Champions is god awful.

Do not waste your money or time.
I want to try this game, because I enjoyed CoX very much. But, I watched some videos. (Admittedly I never played it).

The graphics struck me as 'Wow, thats bad.', and I'm not normally one for big shiny graphics. IMO a game can be good regardless of graphics, but these are just not my style at all. I know they are going for a 'comic book' look. But meh. Serious meh.

The travel powers, is it me or are there really just 2-3 travel powers with 10 different skins. I can fly on a hoverboard, I can fly on an ice board, I can fly on an earth....board.....I can fly without anything, I can fly while on fire, i can telepoerrr..... fly around as a blue blinky thing? (Did I miss something on the teleport power, or isn't it just flying with a different skin? I liked COX's teleport power much better).

And while swinging LOOKS cool, it just kills it for me that you can swing in the desert. What are you swinging from, the clouds? I KNOW i KNOW you can't limit swinging to city-skapes only because it would ruin the mechanic and no one would take it. But still..... :)

I dunno, maybe one day IF this game does well enough, I'll try it. For now, I'm not really gonna try it at all.
I've been paying it a few days (on a early start key that will expire on the 6th) out of boredom. It's not too bad and as of now, I find it much more enjoyable than Aion. Not sure why people are hyping that game (Aion) because it really is more of the same IMO. I haven't decided if I'll buy a retail key for Champions or not but at this point I'd trade it for the Aion key that I foolishly bought a few weeks ago.
Honestly wasn't impressed with the open beta, you can make some ultra unique superheroes but otherwise I couldn't get in to it, I think the starting area was a bit lame, maybe it gets better further in, who knows...
Honestly wasn't impressed with the open beta, you can make some ultra unique superheroes but otherwise I couldn't get in to it, I think the starting area was a bit lame, maybe it gets better further in, who knows...

The starting area is terrible but it opens up a bit as soon as you get out of there. Pretty sad to have to force yourself to play but that's what I had to do initially.
What a waste of $50. I'll play this game for 2 weeks tops then get bored with it like I do with every other game.

Heh, you didn't make it 2 hours after you asked for more opinions. And in less than a minute after just picking it up you thought you wasted 50 bucks. I'm not sure if this is a troll or not, but if not..that's pretty damning for a game..can't even entertain someone for 1 minute.
Heh, you didn't make it 2 hours after you asked for more opinions. And in less than a minute after just picking it up you thought you wasted 50 bucks. I'm not sure if this is a troll or not, but if not..that's pretty damning for a game..can't even entertain someone for 1 minute.

There have been two games that I quit within seconds: Jericho and Conflict Denied Ops.
But hell, even Halo could keep me entertained for a minute.
The travel powers, is it me or are there really just 2-3 travel powers with 10 different skins. I can fly on a hoverboard, I can fly on an ice board, I can fly on an earth....board.....I can fly without anything, I can fly while on fire, i can telepoerrr..... fly around as a blue blinky thing? (Did I miss something on the teleport power, or isn't it just flying with a different skin? I liked COX's teleport power much better).

And while swinging LOOKS cool, it just kills it for me that you can swing in the desert. What are you swinging from, the clouds? I KNOW i KNOW you can't limit swinging to city-skapes only because it would ruin the mechanic and no one would take it. But still..... :)

Teleport while having the ability to more like the digging one. You're essentially invisible once you get into your travel state, but you have a slight delay coming out and going into it for the full effect and invisible-ness to kick in. I know I could see teleport people a little after they started, but soon after that they were completely invisible to me.

Personally I think champions online does a better teleport because you can direct it much easier. With COX it was a constant battle trying to maximize your teleport distance without getting too far out of whack. Which meant you didn't really use it at ground level, you had to get into the sky so you could look down at what you eventually wanted to hit. Shrug, to most people you look like you phase in and out of invisibility.. while it looks much different on your end like a night elf doing the corpse run.

Swinging just sucked as a travel power because it took WAAAAYYYY too much interaction to make it work. It was like constant jumping and holding space bar to make your guy travel and I could never get it to control properly due to the latency during open beta. Superspeed was pretty shite because everything that could range you would range you and make you slow down, you had no built in dodge or resistance...or even out running the projectile in most cases was not possible. Overall some flight version and teleport seemed to be the way to go. Tunneling/Digging was worthless because you got stuck on everything, couldn't go through or over walls when I tried you had to take the long way to everything and get stuck on ever object on the way. Leaping wasn't as handy as it is in COX due to the build up to being max height. So if you ever got hit you'd be doing wimpy jumps and it threw off your stride and timing with it's slow build up but instant decrease.
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Yea, digging seems like super-speed with another skin, and its odd that you can't go under stuff.
Minus character creation this game blows junks and won't last a year.
I played the beta and imo the game felt like the inputs were lagged behind what actually happened. Not impressive at all minus the character customization scheme.
So far it's meh, only because I'm playing on low settings. After I get my new vid card this weekend, I think I'll be enjoying it more.

I'm usually all about fire chars, but holy hell does the fire char in this game suck. I'm switching to melee.
So far it's meh, only because I'm playing on low settings. After I get my new vid card this weekend, I think I'll be enjoying it more.

I'm usually all about fire chars, but holy hell does the fire char in this game suck. I'm switching to melee.

dont wanna burst ur bubble, i was playing on max and it still looked like sh!t.
I was playing it on medium settings before and it looked 10x better than the low settings, so I think max will be fine for me.