Ceton InfiniTV on linux


Apr 21, 2000
Anybody have a Ceton InfiniTV working on Linux? Mine is partially working and I can't find any help on it anywhere. Getting desperate, so I thought I'd try here.
I was under the impression that it didn't work under anything but Windows because of the DRM involved. The HD Homerun Prime was the device of choice because of this. IIRC.
The HD Homerun Prime is a little easier to setup in Linux since it's a network device and not PCIe, not because of DRM. Both will record copy-free flagged channels in programs other than WMC. What software are you using?
I think ceton has linux drivers for it. But getting it working in XBMC or Myth I would be of no help.

But know that you can watch and record things that are marked "Copy Freely". Anyting "copy once" can only be watch and recorded on WMC.
Yeah, my cable company (WOW) doesn't encrypt any of their channels, so the DRM isn't an issue. I'm trying to get it working in MythTV, but not getting very far. I can play shows if I tune them using the web interface, and use mplayer to view them. The problem is that MythTV no longer directly accesses the device for video (as of 0.27) and only uses rtp streaming. I can't get rtp streaming to work at all. It looks like it should be streaming, but it's not. I have no clue how to troubleshoot it, and most people who have had this problem haven't been able to get mplayer working. Once they get mplayer working, the thing just works. No so for me.

I've asked about it more than one on the MythTV mailing list without result. MythTalk Forums are useless as they seem to be screwed up and nobody goes to them apparently. Ceton, of course, doesn't support their linux drivers. So I'm stuck.
I've got an IfiniTV work just fine via Linux.

I used http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/Ceton_InfiniTV_4 to do the configuration. What are your exact kind of problems that you're experiencing?

How are you trying to use MythTV? What frontend/client are you trying to use with it. I've been using XBMC without any issues, and mythweb for scheduling recordsing/etc.

I'm not certain why you are trying to use rtp streaming to set it up. You did pick "Ceton Cablecard tuner" as your Card Type, correct?

After which, created your Video Source(Guide Data basically), then connected the tuner to your video source. I've not had any issues with it after I had it setup once.
I've got an IfiniTV work just fine via Linux.

I used http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/Ceton_InfiniTV_4 to do the configuration. What are your exact kind of problems that you're experiencing?

I can view videos through mplayer, but when I try to stream rtp, I get nothing.

How are you trying to use MythTV? What frontend/client are you trying to use with it. I've been using XBMC without any issues, and mythweb for scheduling recordsing/etc.

I'm using a separate linux box for MythTV frontend.

I'm not certain why you are trying to use rtp streaming to set it up. You did pick "Ceton Cablecard tuner" as your Card Type, correct?

Because as of MythTV 0.27, you can only get rtp streams from the Ceton card. You can no longer access it directly. I did pick "Ceton Cablecard Tuner", and it automatically sets it to rtp. There is no other option. BTW, when I say rtp is the only way to access the card, that's not me guessing. It's what I've been told from the mythtv mailing list.
Well that's weird, I guess somehow I'm lucky, as I have no problems.

You don't happen to be running a firewall or anything like that on ctn0? Or is this a InfiniTV Eth device, in which case you might want to verify firewalls on your normal nics.
Well that's weird, I guess somehow I'm lucky, as I have no problems.

You don't happen to be running a firewall or anything like that on ctn0? Or is this a InfiniTV Eth device, in which case you might want to verify firewalls on your normal nics.

I've completely shut down my firewall, but it doesn't make a difference.

I'm starting to think it's a hardware problem. I installed it in my wife's Windows 7 PC an it's not recognized. I should have gone with a HD Homerun Prime I think. :(
Hi Yipee38.

If you are able to use mplayer try using ffmpeg to read/transmit the signal to where you need it.

#test the signal
ffprobe -i /dev/ceton/ctn91xx_mpeg0_0

# send it somewhere else
ffmpeg -i /dev/ceton/ctn91xx_mpeg0_0 -o .....

I purchased ceton pcie6 infinivity tv and loaded the berta 15 firmware on it. I can get the channel tuned in on the Tuner page, and it shows STOPPED on the status page. When I cat the ctn91xx_mpeg0_x device nothing comes out. If I start the RTP server it changes to PLAYING, but when I cat the device again it says it is busy. (I assume it is the RTP server on the Busybox install of the card holding to the device).

I can't get the mplayer/cat to read it. Any suggestions? I'm using ubuntu 14. I read somehwere that someone had success with mythubuntu after trying Ubuntu many times. (Edit: that was your post on greenbutton.tv ... that is my next item on my todo list by the way, try mythubuntu).
I posted a thread over on greentv in linux help as well.

Sorry didn't mean to hijack thread. I'm losing what hair I have left trying to get this to work.
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I could never get it working on OpenSUSE, only on Mythbuntu. It just worked. I never did really get it working with mplayer and stuff, but it worked on MythTV. I did have a problem though. Every time I updated the kernel through the updater, the driver disappeared. I had to re-install the driver, then call the cable company to have it re-paired.

We're actually cutting the cord, so I'm going to be selling my InfiniTV card.
I am using my Ceton Infinitv 6 with Mythbuntu and it works fine.

Yeah. Mine worked fine on on Mythbuntu also. The only problem I had was that when the OS updated, I'd somehow lose the drivers for the card. I could re-install them easily enough, but it would also lose pairing with the cable provider. Sunday morning we will be cancelling that cable, so it won't be an issue anymore. ;)