Centralising Print Sharing


Mar 20, 2006
I want to share printers from one central location but each of these printers will be connected to a PC.

Here is my idea...

I share the printer on the PC, connect that share to a central server and then share that. I then connect my users to the share on the central server.

I am doing this so I can keep an eye on print jobs and what is actually printed as we seem to be going through 10% more paper every month. I am sure some one is taking the paper but I need to be sure that there are a constant number of pages being printed each month.

Please note that none of our laser printers are networkable directly like the jertdirect addons to HP printers etc.

If this is a viable solution should I use a Windows based server or CUPS?
Do you have the option to use jetdirect box's? Or any other network print server?

You way will turn into a cluster fuck, no offense but users will screw that setup up to no end.
I thought they may do....

Without buying all new printers we have no ability to use jet direct. I could buy some USB print servers but I find they are also a bit of a pain at times.
Do you have an existing "server"? I would really focus on trying to do it properly....if the current printers don't have built in ethernet print servers....purchase some. Ideally HP JetDirect print servers if you can. Give them static IPs outside your DHCP pool....set them up on your "server"..then share them out. Redirect all other clients to print from the server share.

Budgetwise...you can often find external print servers (or if your printers have blank spots for add in cards...internal ones are better) through many online stores, often cheap used ones at great prices.
I thought they may do....

Without buying all new printers we have no ability to use jet direct. I could buy some USB print servers but I find they are also a bit of a pain at times.

Anything USB is flaky, doesn't matter what its plugged into, lol

Do it right, get the print servers and setup your print queues on a central server
i use Iogear USB printer servers they work good for the price
Isn't the easier solution to send out a memo that says "We have noticed an increase in paper usage over the past few months...." and then finish it up with a "We will be monitoring print jobs to ensure proper business needs exist for printed documents."

A one-page warning goes a long way towards curbing personal usage of company property.
