CD-Rom won't read certain disks after upgrade (including my MB's driver disk)!


Sep 10, 2002
I just upgraded my system (PSU/MB/Video/Cpu) and after setting it all up and installing Windows, I pop in the disk that came with my MB only to have my CD-Rom speed up super fast, then slow down, then speed up super fast, then slow down, and so on indefinatley. During this my system becomes unresponsive and only after I eject the disk does it being responding to my commands once more.

Some disks work fine though, the Windows install disk for example, some of the backup CDs I had burned before the upgrade and reformat, while others are experiencing the same problem as my A8N-SLI driver disk, my Battlefield 2 disk for example. Luckily I was able to get my chipset's drivers using my g/fs laptop - I downloaded the more recent drivers and burned them onto a CD, and that CD worked fine in my computer.

And while that's fine and dandy, there are still programs/games I am unable to install due to this issue. (Asus PC Probe for example)

Antec Truepower 550W
Asus A8N-SLI Premium
AMD Opteron 146
4x256 GEIL memory modules
eVGA 7800GT
I'm also having this problem. Replaced power supply and cd-rom only reads certain music cd's. It says 'insert disk' on one particular cd. The cd works in other computers. I'm stumped. :confused: