
May 21, 2002
The CD ROM drive from one of my computers recently broke. One of the "power pins" got pulled out and was stuck in the power connector. I have the pin and it's obvious where it goes, but when the cable is plugged and unplugged there is a lot of stress on the pins. Any ideas to get the pin back in tightly? Maybe I can weld it in lol. But seriously, is there something that will give a stronger hold than just soldering? The other pins will get in the way which will make this tough. Thanks for the help.
Perhaps you can solder some wires directly to the circuit and attach them to a molex so you can have a slight extension so you can pull on the molex molex instead of the part on the drive?
I'd try just removing the entire plug and soldering in a new one. Those plugs are readily available at nearly any electronics distributor. Well unless it's one of those plugs with IDE, jumpers, and power all on the same plug. I wouldn't want to desolder one of those! :eek:

If it were one of those - I'd just try my best to solder the pin back in - maybe put in a little hot glue to protect it.
Originally posted by awdark
Perhaps you can solder some wires directly to the circuit and attach them to a molex so you can have a slight extension so you can pull on the molex molex instead of the part on the drive?

what he said.