CBS News (in Houston) doing a writeup on FAH


Aug 12, 2003
Worked an overnight shift last night and on our "lunch" break we were flipping channels and I heard a preview for the channel 11 news saying something about "but what is your computer doing when you're not using it? We'll tell you how you can use your unused computer's power to help fight cancer and other illnesses" or something along those lines.

Just a heads up for anyone that wants to watch it on tonight's nightly news (it said tonight at 10pm):p
I'll have to tune'll be interesting to see how many facts they get right. My history with news outlets is that they get the general gist of things, but just about every detail is wrong. (yes, there's a story behind that one)
excellent...the addiction spreads :)

and to Mohonri....its the news, what do you expect? :p
Wonder if they'll mention any of the teams when they mention it. Afterall, entering a team number is part of the setup process :p
Meh, it was about WGC rather than just F@H, but whatever. Same principle. Apparently Rice univ. is about to bust out some computing power with a bunch of their machines on campus. Didn't say how many exactly, but I'm sure it'll be quite a bit, as it was some guy in the IT dept. that they were interviewing, and he's probly in a position to get it installed on a lot of machines.
Nope. Was interested in the story. Too bad it wasn't FAH or UD. AZ is my state now. Once, about 6 years ago it was OH. Maybe again when I retire.