CATALYST interview

A little shameless plug. Check out the new interview that was put up today. It may have answers to some questions

If the gang at Hard is interested I can do my next interview on this site? ;-)

Cool. Kyle, Brent? *nudge nudge*

Pretty good interview (read it earlier) Few more questions I think could have been asked which I'm curious about.
Netrat33 said:
Cool. Kyle, Brent? *nudge nudge*

Pretty good interview (read it earlier) Few more questions I think could have been asked which I'm curious about.

Then get them to Kyle for his interview ;-)
Netrat33 said:
Cool. Kyle, Brent? *nudge nudge*

Pretty good interview (read it earlier) Few more questions I think could have been asked which I'm curious about.
What would you like asked?
I so hate sounding like a broken record so please forgive me (Cuz I sure feel like it). I'm simply searching for answers and official statements.

Shimmering/texture crawling problem with examples right in the first post:

Anandtech reporting on it.

I Brent even reported/commented on this a while ago.

Is ATi working on fixing/minimizing this problem?

That's my BIG question.

Is there any possiblities of adding support for older games too (Say like glidewrapper or even Rage driver emulators) Final Fantasy 7 for example can only be played in software mode and that is still a very popular game. But that doesn't look nearly as good as with hardware acceleration.

Any possibilities of disabling optimizations all together as an option (I don't hate ops, but I think the option of turning off and seeing for myself is nice) I hate to say it like this but it's like how people commented on how Nvidia "Listened to its fans" and had the option of removing them.

I think those interviews are awesome and I think it's great they actually respond/posts on threads like everyday people :) Keep up the good work.
After reading the interview I must say I'm pretty excited and can't wait for 2005.

The auto. updates is something I was really happy to hear. So was the fact that .Net 2.0 is gonna make CCC much faster cause that loading was annoying !!!