Catalyst 8.3-8.4 Black Level Bug

BallerX, only Stimpy is having a problem. Read the thread again please.

The thread you posted were users with Nvidia cards and using XP, only one guy was on Vista. I don't know anyone who has the black level issue using an ATI HD 3870 card, apart from Stimpy.

And I use an ATI HD 3870 and a HDMI connection and it's perfect blacks. Even checked them on that photo of yours and all is peachy.

You are blaming both Vista and ATI, when, as far as I can see, neither are at fault.
I have discovered a partial solution for the problem: (fixes the image quality over HDMI, but breks audio over HDMI).

In researching the problem, I found others having a curiously similar problem, and the belief was that the ATI dvi-hdmi dongle was outputing Video levels=16-236 instead of PC levels=0-255.

Following another's recommendation, I bought a generic dvi-hdmi dongle; I then attached it, restarted the computer, and then witnessed that the colours were FINALLY as they should appear. The HDMI connection now matches the same image quality as the DSUB connection and that of an Nvidia card's HDMI output.

However, because of this fix, you will lose the ability to send audio over HDMI.

Thanks to all who helped me by providing input, and I hope this information helps anyone else experiencing the same problem.
Yes Bobbyr, I can personally confirm that the ATi supplied DVI-HDMI adaptor IS the cause of the card outputting the wrong colour levels, I have just installed a new DVI-HDMI cable (with no adaptors obviously) and the black level bug is gone, as well as a return to the lovely, vibrant image I was used to before the swap to HDMI.

So there you have it, the ATi dongle IS the problem, go buy yourself a DVI-HDMI cable, and your good to go! Even if you don't notice the black level problem, you will be getting muted colours using the ATi adaptor, so it really pays to buy a cable instead.

Oh, and personally, I could not care less about the clock-radio audio quality that used to come out of my monitor using the ATi adaptor. I would rather have deep blacks and vibrant colours over that anytime!
Yeah good idea. I could never get my HDMI audio connection to work anyway and its not as good as audio for a standalone hi-def player either due to inherent bandwidth limitations that the PC audio has.
Don't buy an adaptor!!! Read my post! Buy a DVI to HDMI CABLE! It will fix this issue.
Thats really strange Markstar, as I can reproduce this problem simply by changing my cable for ATi's adaptor.

I cant say what is happening here. But ATi is starting to seriously dissapoint me, as bugs like this should be caught before release, not take 3 MONTHS and counting!

ATi are definatly playing with the DVI interface ever since the 8.2's. I guess they are beefing up the HDTV aspect of their cards, and fucking it all up along the way!
Yeah, it definitely sucks and I'm wondering if they want to screw up and get me to sell my stocks (which I had for 8 years now and kept for sentimental value...there were some good times, after all... :rolleyes:
Thats really strange Markstar, as I can reproduce this problem simply by changing my cable for ATi's adaptor.

I cant say what is happening here. But ATi is starting to seriously dissapoint me, as bugs like this should be caught before release, not take 3 MONTHS and counting!

ATi are definatly playing with the DVI interface ever since the 8.2's. I guess they are beefing up the HDTV aspect of their cards, and fucking it all up along the way!

3 months? it's been longer than that, as the problem was happening for me since december when I got an HDMI display to test it with. I'm also sure that the problem has been there since the 2600s were released almost 1 year ago...
I'm glad they're finally fixing all the HDTV issues since 3000 series are advertised "HD." I hope they fix most of the audio issues.
I'm glad they're finally fixing all the HDTV issues since 3000 series are advertised "HD." I hope they fix most of the audio issues.
What are they fixing?

All I know is that with 8.5, the problem got even worse because of the default overscan, which can not be corrected unless you install the bloated CCC. So where is the option to correct the bright screen as well??? :mad:
Well they added 1080p@24fps, 1080p HDTV custom mode, and HDMI audio for non-standard TV modes in Catalyst 8.5