Carmack designates XBOX360 as his "primary dev platform"

Doom 3 wasnt to great. It was fun for a while but not a really big holding value.

Resurection of Evil on the other hand was awsome. Much better then Doom 3. I dont understand why it got rated lower by some people though. It was a much better game then Doom 3 and was still rated lower. Leads me to believe the people doing the reviewing have no idea what they are talking about.
No. Full-time game reviewers definitely mostly know what they're talking about, but game companies are probably willing to pay those who work for the big-name publications quite a bit of money to forget that fact.

It should be noted that this applies to print magazines much more than it does to online sites; "redefines the art form" my ass.
If you guys watch the full Keynote from Quakecon, you will realize that yes, he will start development of his next work on Xbox360, but PC will still come first for release. I think it was pretty blunt that if the PC version doesn't come out first, it will come out on the same day as a console release. As for DooM 3 not being a great game, I won't say it was great, but I think the engine itself is going to be around a while. Once Quake 4 and especially Quakewars comes out, its going to get some of the spotlight.
After watching the new Kameo video on Gamespot ,frankly the only reason one would stay with the PC is the because of incompetance or just being lazy, when a launch title rapes graphically the PC on hardware that in some ways is still inferior ,you gotta wonder whats the point.
Carmack is just moving on like many others ,except he is better known, that is all..