Careful with your tools!

Some years ago, there was a story in the paper about a young girl working on a farm. She was bailing hay or somethin', I dunno. She was working beside a huge machine with a conveyor belt and the works, and her ponytail got caught and her whole scalp was ripped from her head.

This one is just funny. In middle school, in shop class, we were all standing around the teacher's desk to learn about epoxy. The teacher had the tubes open and told us how it works. All of a sudden, a kid passed out and made a nice thud on the ground. Yay fumes.

My family has a cottage on a lake, and down the drive is an older fella who likes to garden and grow pickles and all kinds of things. He's also a pretty handy guy with repairing stuff. One day my mom must've called him or somethin', 'cause eventually she told us that he had managed to slightly chainsaw his thumb.

Oh man, I'm sure I have more. I can't think.
HTPC Rookie said:
OMG you just brought back a story I'd forgotten about decades ago! While I was a teenager, we lived on a Air Force base in Missouri. The base had a field where everyone was supposed to go to set off their fireworks for the 4th of July. They were still legal back then.

Me and my buddy had bought about 3 friggin million Black Cat firecrackers. We went to the approved field on base.

A huge HUGE guy squatted down to light something right in front of us, totally exposing his refrigerator repairman crack. So, my buddy, being the type of kid I was at that time, lit up a Black Cat and tossed it toward him. It went right down the guy's crack.

I heard this muffled *BOOF*.

This fat bastard screamed, stood up, turned around and had a look like "SOMEONE IS GOING TO DIE!" Then he looks straight at me! Before I even got out "it wasn't me it was..." he starts charging toward ME!

For a fat dude, he could run like the devil, he kept up with a 14 or 15 old kid (me) for what must have been 2 city blocks before he finally gave up!

That's the funniest story I've heard in a long time!! Seriousely, I just threw up from laughing.. :p
Had a liberal arts teacher in high school that was working late one day, trimming down some screen printed paper pads that his students had made. It was getting late, he was getting tired, and managed to chop the ends off of 5 fingers, all at one chop!!

Fugged up thing was, he was doing the trimming, cuz it was an old guillotine type power trimmer, that only had a foot switch (versus the new ones that osha demands have 2 hand switches, so you don't stick your fingers in and get 'em cut off). He said he'd do the trimming cuz he KNEW that trimmer was dangerous, and he didn't want any students coming away missing a fingertip. OOOPS!! :eek:
skilsaw. full depth, with a rip blade. Right thigh, 1-2 inches away from nut sack. Ambulence, trama hospital, 2 1/2 hours of reconstructive surgery, including 3 layers of stiches, the external and 2 internal piecing muslces back together. Surgen said I came within 1/8 inch of femeral artery. percadan. lots of percadan..........
/nods, and declares that above poster wins.

7 years HVAC/R installer/repair tech. I have been burned by refridgerent, sliced and diced by sheet metal, slashed by copper, pierced by nails (16 penny nails through the foot HURT!), cut, bruised, and generally just beat to hell.

Fortunately, now I work in an office, where it is nice, and safe, and my biggest worries are getting a papercut... :)
No serious injuries from tools, but I did have a couple fun incidents working in the lab.

I was working in a polymer lab, measuring nylon oil pipe degradation. I was doing viscosity measurements to test the molecular weight. Anyway, the procedure consists of dissolving the pipe in meta-cresol then running the solution through a capillary tube assembly. Meta-cresol is extremely hygroscopic, meaning it absorbs water like crazy. It's also pretty basic. Anyway, so I'm running viscosity all goddam day, for like a week. It's mindnumbing. Early one morning, I drop something behind the viscometer and reach to pick it up. I accidentally put my forearm flush with the three glass tubes of the viscometer, which were coated in cresol residue. About a half hour later, the stuff started "burning" me as it sucked water out of my cells. And of course by that point, it was fully absorbed into my arm and nothing would get it out. I had to just sit there and feel this crap burn me and couldn't do anything about it. Hurt pretty bad for about five or six hours. I still have a couple little round scars on my forearm from that.

I was wearing gloves and a lab coat too, it just had a tendency to pull back from my hands when I reached for stuff. Got two other burns that summer, one actually soaked THROUGH my lab coat and into my bicep. None of those hurt much though.
I never got a wound from a tool to speak (other than nipping off the "bottom" of my index finger one time with a pair of wire cutters), although - I used to be kind of a pyromaniac when I was younger, I was always playing with fire, lighting stuff and seeing what could burn. One day in 7th grade, my best friend and 3 girls had come over to my house, and - of course, eventually, we ended up playing with fire while the girls sat on the trampoline in our back yard and watched oo'ing and ah'ing (or maybe they were thinking we were dumb, whatever), anyway, it was summer, and I was barefoot, and we were playing with a bottle of rubbing alcohol. Just as it was empty, my buddy goes to try to shake the last few drops out of the bottle onto the fire we'd made, the fumes caught and the bottle rocketed out of his hand, and across the yard (past the girls), we, in amazement, chased it down, to pick it up and try it again, but - upon touching it, any compression of the sides caused it to 'relight' and take off again, quite amusing for 2 or 3 minutes, but apparently the constant heat was making the bottle weak, on on poke, the bottle caved in and set itself on fire, in our disappointment, after watching it start to sizzle, we turned around to walk back to the fire, and I stepped completely on the pile of melted plastic, right in the arch of my foot, there was nothing I could do but hop 1-footed towards the stairs to go inside and try to get some water, all of course while screaming obscenities.
I thought it could get any worse but, right when I got to the bottom of the stairs my older brother comes outside with the phone, I immediately went into damage control mode, and pretended nothing was wrong, I kept a completely straight face, talking to him, and on the phone to my mother for 5 minutes, without mentioning it, or making a painful noise, handed him back the phone and he went inside, the whole time everyone could hear my skin sizzling and bubbling. I finally fessed up to it 2 hours later when the blister was about 6 inches deep, and covered the bottom of my foot, it was starting to crack because the skin was burnt black, went to the hospital - 3rd degree burns on the bottom of my foot. Ouch.

To make it worse, vacation was the next day, and of course my parents made me go, and limp around with my foot banadaged. Those girls still think I'm tough though, and that's what counts right?! :cool:
topcat989 said:
skilsaw. full depth, with a rip blade. Right thigh, 1-2 inches away from nut sack. Ambulence, trama hospital, 2 1/2 hours of reconstructive surgery, including 3 layers of stiches, the external and 2 internal piecing muslces back together. Surgen said I came within 1/8 inch of femeral artery. percadan. lots of percadan..........

Funny thing is, that exact same thing happened to my uncle. He was cutting something on a couple saw horses and the saw came back across his leg

Don't ask how, I have no idea cause I wasn't there, and it was a LONG time ago. I just remember the huge long scar down the front of his leg!
Im only 15, so I havent have much time to really screw anything up yet, and my high school doesnt have woodshop, so I cant hurt myself that way :p

As for something that I did to myself, in my math/physics class last year, we were doing basic electronics, with the 50 experiment breadboard kits. I was bored, so I connected both ends of a diode in a 9V. Unfortunately, I didnt realise that after 5 minutes of the diode completing the circuit, the diode would be pretty hot. I was going to write something down, and my palm proceded to touch the diode, and carry the diode off the 9V, since my skin melted & become glue for the diode.

I had a cool diode indent in my palm for about a month, but as for modding, Ive had nothing besides cuts happen to me
A few years ago while working construction, one of the "tough" construction guys I was working with told me he could hold a 16 penny nail in the palm of his hand and punch it through 7/16" osb (its kinda like a mix between plywood and particle board) I so ok lets see! He sets it all up, and punches the wall, only theres no nail there. We look at his hand and this thing has buried itself deep in his palm! I was trying ssooooo hard not to laugh. He pulled it out, and for like a month had this perfectly round wound in the middle of his hand.
i had a liver transplant in 1998... since then i have never lost a battle of scars.
When I was about 12, I shot a penny nail into my thumb with my airgun.

to be honest to the conspiriest, i didnt brush my teeth up until now(13....started like a yr ago) so thats from when i was born to the beggining of 8th grade.....never ANY problems with my teeth...slight yellow tint was bleached away. so i think your still cavitie free though :D
some funny stories on here, especially the firecracker one..made me laugh..i had 2 pretty bad accidents when i was about..ehh i dunno around 8 years old, too long ago. but i remember what happened perfectly:
1) My parents have the master bathroom status going, and i always played around in their huge room. well one day i saw my dad shaving with all the shaving cream on his face and i thought "hmmm, looks like fun" so being the 8 year old i was, i picked up the cream and put it on my hairless face (lol) and began to shave..well it figures the chin is gonna be the tricky part..yeah! well not just tricky but talk about cutting it so deep that i needed 12 stitches! probably about a month later i was trying to be superman off of the freezer in our garage, and jumped off and thought i'd fly and landed right on my chin!! what a horrible coincidence: 6 more stitches.

2) this one has to do with being a pyromaniac (we all go through these stages). I just loved setting those awesome green armymen aflame. well it was funny until one melted and landed on my left-hand middle finger knuckle, i did manage to fling it off, but i still have a burn mark 9 years later! well that's not the end of it. i flung it off and it landed on my left forearm (the bottom). Well there's burn mark #2 and it's bigger! not only did it burn me but i watched the plastic sink into my skin..until recently building up some muscle mass, i could feel it in there up to being 16 years old!! it's in there somewhere!
Though I am most likely a huge jerk for not stepping in and just standing back to watch it happen. A guy at work was using the torches to braz a metal water can that had a hole in it. I am about 30 feet away cutting some flat bar. I turned just in time to see a piece of molten metal pop up and land in the center of his head. I just sat there a second waiting. Next 3 secs in my mind seemed like 2 hours but smoke came from his hair, he than reached up to pat it off to get the hot metal stuck in his hand. So now he is running in circles trying to pat his head and waving his other hand in the air, trying to get it to cool down. I feel down laughing so hard.
scott77 said:
Funny thing is, that exact same thing happened to my uncle. He was cutting something on a couple saw horses and the saw came back across his leg

Don't ask how, I have no idea cause I wasn't there, and it was a LONG time ago. I just remember the huge long scar down the front of his leg!

at least he used real sawhorses..........I used my knees :rolleyes:

it happened like many accidents, a moment of incredible stupidity, worthy of at least an honorable mention for darwin award...and if the blade had traveled 2 more inches left, it would have been a full award and i would have looked like a post op tranny, with Joseph Mengle as acting surgon :eek:

was on a job working with my Pop, and he needed a piece of 1 x 1 stick cut, and the skilsaw was closer then the hand saw.......and the guard was jammed open by debris rather then deliberate like most carpenders do, and I didn't have any thing to place it on, so I just squated slightly and put the board on my knees, and the skilsaw between legs, as soon as I hit the trigger it kicked back, and I reseased the trigger, it didn't even get up to full speed. I looked down and said, aw fuck, I fucked up my new coveralls....and then the white coveralls flushed red around the tear....and I said , aw fuck, I fucked up......I didn't feel anything accept a general ache, I started freaking out that I had made myself into a girl. As soon as I got my Pop to call 911 from a neighbors house (new house, no phones) He laid me out on the front yard and we cut away the clothing from the area to see how to stop bleeding. Keep in mind the cut was right where the leg branches off from the lower torso, so at that point we didn't know if I had castrated myself or if I had partially gutted myself as well. As soon as I seen it was just the leg, I fucking smiled all the way through the fire/paramedics/ambulence ride/trauma center :p (heh, the paramedics were worried that I was going into deep shock cuase I was fucking giddy instead of paniced)

Through the whole ordeal the pain was manageable until the trauma center staff, once the had me opened up they had a nurse distract me while a doctor dumped a quart of some antiseptic into the wound, then I fucking screamed like a little bitch...........
topcat989 said:
at least he used real sawhorses..........I used my knees :rolleyes:

it happened like many accidents, a moment of incredible stupidity, worthy of at least an honorable mention for darwin award...and if the blade had traveled 2 more inches left, it would have been a full award and i would have looked like a post op tranny, with Joseph Mengle as acting surgon :eek:

holy shit man. that whole period of not knowing where it cut must've been brutal. I don't know if I could handle something like that.
I know, it's like getting shot and not knowing, all you feel is a burn.

You guys ain't got nothing....

I'm 32 years old... I am an Executive Chef my trade, and I've cut the side of my thumb off.. I've stuck my hand in an industrial food processor, with Cheese Grater blade, and cut the tip of middle finger off, and cut down to bone on rest of hand...

I've had a piece of glass go through the 'webbing' between my fingers

last summer I wacked my thumb with a hammer while doing a roof, took the entire side of it off....

I've had my nose and jaw broke twice...

I've had my SKULL LITERALLY crushed, I have plates and screws holding the right side of my face together (victim of violent crime), they were afraid my eye was going to fall into my skull or out of my head.. NOW THAT was FUN!!

Now this.......... 11 days ago I cut top of my hand down to bone, stitches al that fun stuff..... Hospital screwed up, now tuesday they have to RE-CUT me open, re-clean it, and RE-stitch it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yep... I've lived a charmed life
One time I was making something in the blender and it jammed, so I hit the off switch and reached in the unjam it and when I did it spun(hit the turbo switch not the off switch) and it took off 4 of my fingers...

J/k j/k Never happned I just dont got anything that can compete with this carnage.
when i was in summer camp, this kid was trying to get in my room and me and my friend were holding door. we were like 10 and cursing at each other blah-blah-blah.... door opened, i showed him middle finger, my friend pulls door back and cuts about 3mm of the top of my middle finger. my parents didnt know about it until i came home.
When I was like five, I was running up our wooden basement steps and tripped. I fell up the stairs and the first thing that hit the steps was my top gums. The bruise didn't go away for weeks.

In preschool we had those weird, little plastic seat things with wheels that we'd ride during recess. You could sit on them and steer with the little handles on the sides, only I decided to ride it on my stomach. I went down a gentle slope, gathered speed, and must've hit a rock or somethin' 'cause the whole thing tipped forward and my chin dragged across the blacktop for a bit. Almost needed stitches, but they just put on some nice butterfly bandaids.

In 4th grade we were riding our bikes through the neighborhood. We happened to round back towards my house, and for some reason, I started swerving my front wheel back and forth. I turned the wheel a little too much and I tumbled forward off my bike. I had about a five-inch long scrape on my elbow.

A few years later my best friend, who lived across the street and next to an undeveloped lot on which we'd play and build stuff, was walking and managed to step on a piece of wood with a nail sticking out. I don't think it went all the way through, but my mom (a nurse) came over and doused it in iodine for a good thirty minutes. He had trouble walking on it for awhile.

When I was prolly eight or nine, the kids on my street and I liked to play hide-n-seek at night when it's dark. We'd hide around our houses and use someone's driveway for base. There was a house lined with a good tall fence, and we had a sure-fire way of sneaking around it and running to base unnoticed. One night we were sneaking around the fence, and I turned too early and smacked half my face against it. I had an imprint and some minor bleeding. They didn't let me live it down for awhile.

Many years ago I was running around in the basement, and dad's metal L-shaped corner edge and ruler was laying out. I ran by it but nailed it with my arm. I had a puncture so deep that I could see the white fatty layer of tissue.

I know I got more but I'm blockin' again.
If you want to go back to pre-school... nah I won't go there..

but Nails, I lost count of how many I stepped on and fell on..

The neatest was one that I fell on, it went into my forearm and I could see the tip of it trying to push through the other side as I lay there looking at it, and it made that cool sucking sound as I pulled my arm off of it...
there are some brutal stories here. Mine don't really compete.

I've seen a girl in one of my art studios wrap her arm around a drill press, her sleeve got caught and sucked it right in, broke her wrist and arm in several places.

At the jewelry store where I work one of the guys has long hair, he was polishing some stuff and he leaned down and a big chunk of his hair got stuck and yanked right out in a split second (15,000 rpms), never heard a guy scream like that in my life, he had a 3" circle of bald spot on the front of his head.

worst things that i've ever done is slice the top of my finger with a sharp pocket knife, went to the bone, had some nasty cuts by x-acto knifes. I've torn of my big toenail twice playing soccer, a sock full of blood both times, one game i finished playing after i wrapped the toe with bandage. I used to work at an airport cargo place and was lifting this large crate out of the belly of the plane, and this girl was supposed to be on the other side, she said she could handle the weight, I asked twice, should have known better, half way out onto the hard studded rubber conveyor she dropped her end, pinned my hands underneath, it ripped the flesh right off the tops of two of my fingers and she just had a dumb look on her face.
dracos said:

You guys ain't got nothing....

I'm 32 years old... I am an Executive Chef my trade, and I've cut the side of my thumb off.. I've stuck my hand in an industrial food processor, with Cheese Grater blade, and cut the tip of middle finger off, and cut down to bone on rest of hand...

I've had a piece of glass go through the 'webbing' between my fingers

last summer I wacked my thumb with a hammer while doing a roof, took the entire side of it off....

I've had my nose and jaw broke twice...

I've had my SKULL LITERALLY crushed, I have plates and screws holding the right side of my face together (victim of violent crime), they were afraid my eye was going to fall into my skull or out of my head.. NOW THAT was FUN!!

Now this.......... 11 days ago I cut top of my hand down to bone, stitches al that fun stuff..... Hospital screwed up, now tuesday they have to RE-CUT me open, re-clean it, and RE-stitch it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yep... I've lived a charmed life
Wow man if I were u i'd stick myself in a rubber room with nothing to touch at all cause DAMN are u walking catastrophe!
Head on collision, having my whole shoulder re-built. I was in the car on the left! :D
120 mph pursuit, ended up having to stop the guy with my car. (Two weeks ago).
I am more careful with my hobbies (computers) than I am at my "real" job.

Oldie said:
No you lose. Last november, I had 5 extractions 2 root canals, 2 stem/post, w/3 fillings all on the same friggin day! HAH!

No, YOU lose. I've had TWO open heart surgeries and 3 oral surgeries in my life. I've had 1 pig valve in my heart later replaced with a synthetic valve when I was 17. The oral surgeries were to remove an extra tooth that was upside down and migrating UP toward my brain stem...
i have an awesome looking scar on my left tricep from fire twirling

it looks mad, because it was a burn from double kevlar wicks using kero mixed with boric acid


anyways, end story is i have a burn with 2 double scars exactly 50mm apart, looks totally awesome
dracos said:

You guys ain't got nothing....

I'm 32 years old... I am an Executive Chef my trade, and I've cut the side of my thumb off.. I've stuck my hand in an industrial food processor, with Cheese Grater blade, and cut the tip of middle finger off, and cut down to bone on rest of hand...

I've had a piece of glass go through the 'webbing' between my fingers

last summer I wacked my thumb with a hammer while doing a roof, took the entire side of it off....

I've had my nose and jaw broke twice...

I've had my SKULL LITERALLY crushed, I have plates and screws holding the right side of my face together (victim of violent crime), they were afraid my eye was going to fall into my skull or out of my head.. NOW THAT was FUN!!

Now this.......... 11 days ago I cut top of my hand down to bone, stitches al that fun stuff..... Hospital screwed up, now tuesday they have to RE-CUT me open, re-clean it, and RE-stitch it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yep... I've lived a charmed life

2 words come to mind



Humm you d00ds need to be a bit more careful and a bit less stupid :p
I' we been a scout for 12 years and I have never seen any thing worse then first and second degree burns.

But in my first (and last) year of electrician school we used to charge up caps and connect them to the metal frame of a chair, that was phun :p
I' we also burnt my self doing smt work I have about ten 0.5mm scars on my thumb :p
Calis said:
2 words come to mind




Unlucky... Maybe...

Owned I don't think so.... I had my skull crushed because of my color (I'm white)....

I don't think that qualifies as owned.... maybe racially predjudiced but not owned...
Kyre said:
Humm you d00ds need to be a bit more careful and a bit less stupid :p ............

can't argue this day I can't believe what an idiot I was....

heh, my Pop was cool during to whole ordeal, but as I was waking up after surgery, the doc told him I was going to be OK, I wake up and my eyes focus on him and he looks concerned. I was about to tell him don't worry I was OK when he just looks me right in the eye and says "You stupid fuck :rolleyes: "

dracos said:
Unlucky... Maybe...

Owned I don't think so.... I had my skull crushed because of my color (I'm white)....

I don't think that qualifies as owned.... maybe racially predjudiced but not owned...
Being a victim of a hate crime doesn't make you prejudiced unless you let it. (Been there!)
I cut my pinky down to the bone with a sander.. haven't gotten feeling back in it yet... and that was over a year and a half ago.. sucks... lool
i havent done any modding yet, so this has nothing to do with modding..and its not as bad of some of you guys..

in 6th grade i was bein stupid on the pull-up bars...hung onto one, pushed off the wall with my feet, let go of hands, and grabbed onto the bar a couple feet away. I did it maybe 20 or 30 times before. this particular day, i did it again, and then a friend grabbed my feet, while i was still hanging on...i distinctly remember telling him to stop...he kept goin...hands slipped....fell on my face from about 8-10 feet high...on concrete :p ..went to the girls locker room, blah blah, eventually got to the teeth went through my bottom lip, and i remember, cuz i touched it with my tongue, and i guess there was like a thin strip connecting the halves, and my tounge splilt it..then the hospital said it wasnt about 50 stitches in my mouth(in my top gum too for some reason) couple weeks later, went to an ENT, nose surgery, fixed funtionality but not the my nose is all fat... :(

no brain damage or anything...just scraped up knees, and a scar under my lip
Kyre said:
But in my first (and last) year of electrician school we used to charge up caps and connect them to the metal frame of a chair, that was phun :p

fun with chairs...I worked at Lockheed years ago. We used liquid nitrogen for troubleshooting boards that failed cold in the environmental chambers. We had these little stainless steel insulated spray containers that we'd take to the back of the building and fill from this huge, steam covered container.

We'd bring them back to the bench and wait until someone left their seat. Then bleed the pressure off the little container, unscrew the top, and pour it into the poor sap's bottom seat cushion. Rub our hand over the spot real quick so it wouldn't be steaming when the guy got back.

Ever seen someone tense their butt cheeks so fast they raise a foot off the seat?
Only computer related injuries I have are when the tool slips and rips a chunk of my skin off. I like to bite the skin flap off and eat it...

I get more injuries from the tools than the thing I'm working on. I pinched my thumb trying to hammer out these plastic things that held my front liscence plate holder onto the bumper.