Capstone Project Idea


Jul 23, 2008
hey guys, I am looking for some ideas for my capstone project. I need your feedback regarding what would be worthwhile project. I want to start a project for my capstone class that would be useful to me in future and would complement with my concentration (telecom).

I have seen many projects that deals with network design but I want to do something different. Just can't figure out a good topic. Any ideas will be highly appreciated. Thank You.

I am currently pursuing ccna certificate. At college, i am concentrating in telecom.
capstone as in the encryption standards?
i might do something in reverse, like how voip is not encrypted and usually broadcasted in wave format, how SIP works and how Cisco's use SCCP?

Capstone is the Final class you take that sums up everything that you have learned in your time at school in your field.
Pick a city of between 5,000-10,000 people, do a physical plant deisgn for a PON Based FTTP system. It's easy as hell to throw the devices into a visio diagram but there is a lot of work to the physical plant design. Are you going to run 1:1 fiber to the plant and put all your passives in CO or are you going to do a distributed model. What equipment will you use for direct fiber needs, how many direct fibers will you put in each outside plant enclosure(if you go distributed). What will you use for a soft switch, IPTV headed or RF Overlay(probably not), will you use GPON, GEPON or WDM-PON? Lots of ways to do it but fun to put the pieces together.

I'd be more than happy to help if that is the way you decide to go. I've been designing/implementing/operating a PON Network for a little over 5 years now.
what about something with the new 'smart houses' where appliances are inter-connected and communicate to each other.