Capcom and EA claim PCs are better....

Although I would like to see renewed effort on the PC, I believe this is more marketting fluff. Wake me when the PC version is more than just ported console game with increased graphics. If they were serious they would implement better multiplayer browsers and not limit multiplayer to <16.
The new push for the PC games is really going to come after starcraft 2 blowout sales and record profits.

Windows 7 coming out and base PCs like Dell and HP having at least a decent video card able to run the graphic requirements for windows 7 (this will translate into meeting min requirements for many well scaled games like WoW and soon to be Starcraft 2). The rest of the genres have to catch up with scalability (FPS like crysis etc.).
seems EA is like oh shiznitz, 2k SPORTS on PC iS NOT A CRAPPY PORT AND SELLS!!!!
if ea ever does anything right for pc users I will probably poop my pants in surprise. bf3 ever?
But if I play it with a keyboard, I can mash a TON more buttons at once.

Um, I'm not exactly what you'd call "skilled" at that sort of game... >_>

Rather than mashing, you actually play with more fines with a keyboard.

The thing is, you don't need mad hand/elbow skill to do a combo on a keyboard. You just need to know how to type.

I have friends that cover their thumbs with their t-shirts so they can slide easier around the controller buttons. Compare that to me that has a key on each button ready to press. Combo's on a keyboard is no different from typing your name. One big difference is that your reaction time on a keyboard is much faster. You have a finger on the forward and back buttons at all times, so you can alternate between attack and defense like it was nothing. One thing they seem to get pissed off at is the way i can block and counter their elaborate combos without needing to dedicate my life to an arcade stick like they do.

Like the others said tho, the main weakness on the keyboard is doing a really fast 360 rotation. Everything else tho, works perfectly.
noobman said:
That game would be impossible to play w/o a controller.

Oh yeah thats right..controllers are impossible to use on a PC..:rolleyes:
Oh yeah that's totally what I said, right? :rolleyes:

I was just pointing out that a controller would pretty much be a prerequisite for the game.
If you were capable of thinking critically you might have figured that out.

I can see a lot of PC gamers booting up FNR4 on the PC, trying to play it with a keyboard, and then complaining that the game is terrible because the "controls suck".
Mouse and keyboard is my preferred setup for shooters/rts games. I've played competitive Quake and CS. When it comes to something like Resident Evil, Gears, or Street Fighter those games are made to be played with analog sticks. There's absolutely nothing wrong with shelling out $30 for a wired 360 controller and enjoying the games on your pc. Gears on PC is 10x better than the 360 but it's made to be played with a gamepad. You get better frames rates, higher resolution, more eye candy and the plug in play convience of the 360 controller.

Resident Evil is a 3rd person shooter, I'm sorry, It's meant to be played with a game pad.

Get off the mouse and keyboard highhorse and accept that there are games that are better suited to a gamepad. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH IT!

That's the beauty of PC gaming. You get to use your mouse/keyboard with your FPS/RTS titles, You can plug in a flight stick for something like FSX or Hawx, or you can plug in a controller and duke it out in street fighter or blow off heads with gears.

The PC is the ultimate, most versatile gaming platform.

I couldn't agree more. I love using mouse/keyboard as much as the next guy, but for 3rd person action/shooters, driving and fighting games a 360 controller is hard to beat.
Playing FNR4 with the keyboard really wouldn't bother me, since I don't use the 'total punch control' method of punching anyway. I use the face me a traditionalist.

Regardless, I loved FNRs 1 and 3, and would love to see FNR4 turn up on PC.
If you were capable of thinking critically you might have figured that out.

I can see a lot of PC gamers booting up FNR4 on the PC, trying to play it with a keyboard, and then complaining that the game is terrible because the "controls suck".

If YOU were capable of relaying correct information you would not have said"its impossible"to play without a controller..How could it be impossible to play without a controller if you can see people complaining that the controls "suck"with a KB..

Contradict yourself much??
If YOU were capable of relaying correct information you would not have said"its impossible"to play without a controller..How could it be impossible to play without a controller if you can see people complaining that the controls "suck"with a KB..

Contradict yourself much??

*sigh* If you can't understand understand the use of impossible in that context then I really feel sorry for you. The last time I checked I was writing for a message board, and not a thesis on game design. Perhaps the phrase "virtually impossible" would have made my previous statement clearer, but I think it's safe to assume that you're the only person here that lacks the intelligence to understand the use of that word in said context. I'll be sure to spell everything out S-L-O-W-L-Y for you next time. In any event, I'm not interested in starting a flame war with you, so I'll get back to the game.

Have you played Fight Night Round 3?

To throw any punch other than a simple jab you have to roll the analog stick along its highest threshold. IE to throw a haymaker you have to push the right analog stick to the right, and then push it up without returning the joystick to the centre position at any time.

Try mapping that to a keyboard and let me know how it works out :) You see, the game relies on analog input in that your character's action is dependent on how far you push the joystick in any one direction. A keyboard is, in a sense, a binary input device as a key can only be pressed or depressed.

...but that's far too difficult a concept for you to understand, right?
I couldn't agree more. I love using mouse/keyboard as much as the next guy, but for 3rd person action/shooters, driving and fighting games a 360 controller is hard to beat.

The only games which are better to play with a gamepad are the ones which are shittily ported...end of story.
I would really like to see some of you beat people in SFIV with your keyboard and them joystick
I would really like to see some of you beat people in SFIV with your keyboard and them joystick

I've done it to some local guys on an emulator. Me on Keyboard and them on Gamepad. Of course this was Marvel vs. Capcom and Xmen vs Street Fighter...

and I did it with a team of Dan and Akuma in Xmen vs Street Fighter...

Seriously, people lose their shit when they see you grab Dan. They think he can't do damage, but he's pretty capable up close and his throws are quick.
Dan is actually pretty good if used right, some of his moves are quite damaging, lol.
I would really like to see some of you beat people in SFIV with your keyboard and them joystick

Easy. Pulling off mind boggling combos with a series of key taps as opposed to trying to string together several movements on a stick, I'll take the keyboard thanks (I have played just about every iteration of SF on a keyboard).

And I say this having bought a Madcatz TE stick.
If only we lived close, I'd be interested in playing a local match. The older iterations of SF also were pretty easy to combo with the keyboard (on MAME), I can see SFIV being a bigger problem.

edit -- I too have the TE/SE stick, I can see keyboard doing okay, but not as good as any of the controllers / joystick. I don't see it being competitive enough, even if allowed in tournaments.
If only we lived close, I'd be interested in playing a local match. The older iterations of SF also were pretty easy to combo with the keyboard (on MAME), I can see SFIV being a bigger problem.

edit -- I too have the TE/SE stick, I can see keyboard doing okay, but not as good as any of the controllers / joystick. I don't see it being competitive enough, even if allowed in tournaments.

SF4 combos arent that difficult, you just have to know the appropriate times to dash and when to counter/cancel.
Oh they aren't difficult, but they are definitely not as easy (and I do mean very easy) as SF combos of past. It also depends what character you are playing. Ryu/ Ken is scrubby and easy to play in any SF (Any shoto's for that matter). A controller / joystick is way more beneficial in improving your competitive game moreso than a keyboard ever will, IMO.

I would really love to see someone play Viper with a keyboard and doing good.
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The only games which are better to play with a gamepad are the ones which are shittily ported...end of story.

People like you exhibit even more close-mindedness than the most adamant of console fanboys. Congratulations.

I would really like to see some of you beat people in SFIV with your keyboard and them joystick

The keyboard could probably beat the 360 controller at this point...

I just got done hiring the game for the 360 and the controller provided endless frustration.
Yeah I agree with that, the 360 controller blows for any fighter with d-pad, hahaha.
People like you exhibit even more close-mindedness than the most adamant of console fanboys. Congratulations.

Close mindedness, people like you make me laugh.

I own a PC, PS3 and Xbox 360. I have been playing games since asteroids and donkey kong. These so called genres of games apparently better suited for consoles, i.e. third person shooters, platformers, driving games, etc, all existed on PC's before the advent of consoles.

The only games which have not played well on a keyboard or mouse are the ones which are either poorly designed or poorly ported.
Close mindedness, people like you make me laugh.

I own a PC, PS3 and Xbox 360. I have been playing games since asteroids and donkey kong. These so called genres of games apparently better suited for consoles, i.e. third person shooters, platformers, driving games, etc, all existed on PC's before the advent of consoles.

The only games which have not played well on a keyboard or mouse are the ones which are either poorly designed or poorly ported.

I'm not sure I agree with your closing statement. Sure you can play just about anything on a Keyboard/Mouse but certain games/genres lend themselves to gamepad or peripheral controls better.

I'd say the only games that are poorly ported, in relation to control scheme, are the ones that don't really allow you the choice between keyboard/mouse and gamepad/peripheral.
Close mindedness, people like you make me laugh.

I own a PC, PS3 and Xbox 360. I have been playing games since asteroids and donkey kong. These so called genres of games apparently better suited for consoles, i.e. third person shooters, platformers, driving games, etc, all existed on PC's before the advent of consoles.

The only games which have not played well on a keyboard or mouse are the ones which are either poorly designed or poorly ported.

You really think racing games and sports games play better with keyboard and mouse?
You really think racing games and sports games play better with keyboard and mouse?

My Logitech Force3D Joystick beats the living crap out of any controller in car games.
A controller is a "one size must fit all" type of device...and thus lacking.
Why the automatic focus on keyboard and mouse,when so many options for controllers with a PC exist? It's consoles that have restricted control options by not providing keyboard/mouse support when some of their biggest games are FPS that cry out for it.With a PC,you have K/M support,plus controllers of every conceivable type.You also have superior graphics,the ability to upgrade, extended life for games through mods and conversions,not to mention all the countless other non-gaming related uses.
My Logitech Force3D Joystick beats the living crap out of any controller in car games.
A controller is a "one size must fit all" type of device...and thus lacking.

You serious? I'd use that in Mechwarrior(I miss you so much mechwarrior!!! :(), or a flight/space combat game before a racer. I prefer gamepads or wheels for those.
You serious? I'd use that in Mechwarrior(I miss you so much mechwarrior!!! :(), or a flight/space combat game before a racer. I prefer gamepads or wheels for those.

I also use that joystick for fightersims or spacesims...but I would rather use a joystick for racing that a wheel..faster from one opposite to the other that a wheel and much more precise than a gamepad.
I also use that joystick for fightersims or spacesims...but I would rather use a joystick for racing that a wheel..faster from one opposite to the other that a wheel and much more precise than a gamepad.

More precise? You use controllers without analog or something? :p
More precise? You use controllers without analog or something? :p

The range I move the joystick with my hand/arm is much bigger than what your thumb can push those little useless analogs on a gamepad, and thus more precise....self :p
The range I move the joystick with my hand/arm is much bigger than what your thumb can push those little useless analogs on a gamepad, and thus more precise....self :p

I'll concede that point then. You ARE right.

I play arcadey racers(burnout and the like) so I guess I don't really use very precise movements that much.

Speaking of racers. I miss Car Combat games :(
The only games which have not played well on a keyboard or mouse are the ones which are either poorly designed or poorly ported.
Some things just work better with analogue movement, and a keyboard doesn't provide it. In action/platform/sports games with a fixed perspective, you're better off with complete freedom of movement rather than being constrained to eight directions. And I doubt many serious sim players are steering with a keyboard...

Why the automatic focus on keyboard and mouse,when so many options for controllers with a PC exist?
Because we're discussing the original post, which only mentioned KB/M vs gamepads.
Some things just work better with analogue movement, and a keyboard doesn't provide it. In action/platform/sports games with a fixed perspective, you're better off with complete freedom of movement rather than being constrained to eight directions. And I doubt many serious sim players are steering with a keyboard...

I doubt any serious sim player is using a gamepad...
I doubt any serious sim player is using a gamepad...

A serious sim player would be using a gaming peripheral that is suited for the particular game he's playing.

I'm still trying to see where you pulled gamepad from cuz I can't find it in his post lol.
A serious sim player would be using a gaming peripheral that is suited for the particular game he's playing.

I don't know any simulator that would favour a gamepad/controller?

I'm still trying to see where you pulled gamepad from cuz I can't find it in his post lol.

From right here...

Because we're discussing the original post, which only mentioned KB/M vs gamepads.
That was a reply to something unrelated.

I never said serious sim players use gamepads. I said they don't use keyboards because they don't allow for analogue movement control.

Actually I use both joystick and keyboard in fighter-sims ;)
Well, thinking of it, consoles ARE PCs, just stripped down versions to allow less functionality and expanded market (lower cost).

I have personnally played a couple of shooters on the 360, they plain suck compared to the accuracy on the PC. Shooters were developed on consoles so that people not willing to pay for a good computer but having a console would be able to play them, simply.

Developers should go back to designing games meant for consoles. Platformers, sports, rock-bandish stuff. One of the advantages of the console is the ability to easily multiplay at home. Porting a game is only one more way to make more money imho. Less development, recycling.