Cant get past 220FSB on Asus A8n deluxe

Gutlass Cutlass

Limp Gawd
Apr 18, 2005
I"m tried almost everything except touching the ram settings. Want'd to get some advice before I start messing with the ram timings and what not. Anyone with my MBhave any ideas?
Its the ram thats stopping u, clear and simple! 1:1 ratios in most cases just don't cut it most of the time - I'll say to u what i say to most people who are new to OC'n read this thread, and also read the other thread in this forum "First time OC'er, have some questions".
Should i Change the Divider or is this ram klling my OCing, If it is the ram, are there any 2gb kits that are good for overclocking??
Sounds like you need to read the AMD64 overclocking guide my friend......

2gb kits generally arnt the best overclockers, but even the sticks that do overclock need timming adjustments to reach higher speeds. most 1gb stick run like 3-3-3-8 form 215-250Mhz...

besides memory speed means nothing to a AMD64, I run mine at 200Mhz (11x255Mhz with a 5/6 divider) jsut so I dont have to worry about memory stability. Even thought my Crucial Value 1gb sticks are good for about 250Mhz if I tried hard with them..