Can't get online after virus removal...

Dew itt right

Oct 28, 2005
Once again, I'm having the same problem so I'm wondering if it has to do with my virus removal procedure? Last time I was able to install a new NIC and it fixed the problem. This time I've tried 3 different NIC's and none of them will get it to work. (This is a friend's PC with I believe a Pentium D, XP, PC Chips motherboard w/ via controller...)

I can get an IP address and I can start to load web pages but it'll download at around 7 kB/s and eventually it just stops. My antivirus can't even update. Here's my suite:

1) MalwareBytes
2) Smitrem
3) Smitfraudfix
4) RogueRemover
5) Aproposfix
6) HiJackThis
7) CCleaner
8) CleanUp
9) EasyCleaner
10) Microsoft Security Essentials
11) MalwareBytes (again)

I've also tried LSPfix, SDfix, and WinSock. Nothing's working. I've tried restoring it to a week ago and that didn't help either. For what it's worth the viruses appear to be gone. Here's what the network controller activity looks like...


When I try the other NIC's I get mixed results. Some will only get "Limited or no connectivity". Others get an IP address and send packets but can't receive anything. Any ideas?
I'll give combofix a try in the morning. Proxy is unchecked and Autodetect settings is checked. Here's my ipconfig results...

That looks normal to me. Clean out your temporary internet files, cookies, etc and flush your DNS cache. May want to power cycle your router and modem too.
whatever trojan hit that machine hosed it... backup personal files and wipe/reinstall... it's the safer route
Everytime i see this, which has been quite often lately, its because the proxy check box gets enabled in connection settings.
Didn't get to run combofix this morning so I'll have to try that tonight.

That looks normal to me. Clean out your temporary internet files, cookies, etc and flush your DNS cache. May want to power cycle your router and modem too.

Done all of this. One of the programs I ran has a DNS hijack fix that I ran already but I'll try "ipconfig /flushdns" tonight also. If those don't work I may end up reinstalling windows but I'm really hoping to avoid that. I'd like to actually figure out what's causing this.

Again, proxy is not enabled. (Internet Options > Connections > LAN Settings) I believe
Try going into the device manager, Uninstall the NIC, then reboot and allow Windows to reinstall drivers automatically.
Try going into the device manager, Uninstall the NIC, then reboot and allow Windows to reinstall drivers automatically.

I've tried uninstalling and letting XP pick drivers and I've tried uninstalling and manually installing newest drivers. neither have changed anything...

If it matters, the difficulty loading web pages also includes logging into local router...
try what YeOldeStonecat said and try resetting tcp/ip properties and reset IE options Or try a system restore before you got the virus/malware then redo the scans to make sure the virus/malware is removed.
..reset IE options Or try a system restore...

Tried both of those already. When I get home I'll give ComboFix and WinSockXPfix a try.

For what it's worth, I just found out I can log into the PC from work using LogMeIn and that works fine. I tried browsing again and still couldn't. Then I logged into a second PC on the same network and tried to transfer some files over onto the troubled PC. It was transferring at 4-8 kB/s and then I got a connection error message. All the while still using the PC remotely online. Wierd...
Check your hosts files...

Windows\System32\Etc\Hosts i believe...
Windows\System32\Drivers\Etc\Hosts file only shows " localhost" after all the # lines.

After reseting the TCP/IP settings via THIS method, the sent & received packets look normal and I can browse a little longer online before the connection slows to a halt. Currently downloading WinSockXPfix at 1.1 kB/s...
thing about the system restore you want to go back at least a month not a week before the virus and trust me when I say that because I fix a client computer who got the antivirus live and I restored her computer back to a month and after doing that It removed that virus and she was able to get connected and browsing. is your loopback address

out of curiousity have you done a fresh install of Windows lately?
I don't know why I'd have any reason to believe it had something to do with my router but just for kicks I took the PC back to his house. I plugged it in and we were up and running - internet and all! I tried several ports and cables to my router including the one that my home PC was using and none of them worked. I'm not sure what the deal was but for now I'm just glad it's out of here...