Cant Choose what MOBO to go with... (Athlon XP)


Limp Gawd
Jan 5, 2004
I want a reliable, stable mobo that I can overclock with.
I would also like 4x sata connectors, but the only boards that I see that have this are the DFI and SOYO, and I'm afraid to purchase both of these.

I'm afraid to go the DFI route because I'm afraid of the BIOS and stuff - I'm pretty new at building computers.

I'm afraid to go the SOYO route because... well WTF is SOYO? I've never heard about these boards, yet alone heard about them being reliable.

I'm thinking about just going ASUS or ABIT for reliability issues, but the only downside I see to either of these manufacturers is that they dont offer boards with 4x SATA connectors, which means if I get another 250gb hdd I would need to drop another 50 bucks on a SATA PCI card. Eh?

Help meh.
I must say that I'm pretty partial to Abit, as I've never, ever had a problem with one (most noteably since they got away from the "bad-formula caps" problems they had early on. I've owned 2 NF7's (not nf7-2!) and I've also convinced 3 of my friends to buy them in the past, and they've always been very stable, very decent overclockers, and have never had a bad part.

Otherwise, SOYO boards aren't necessarily the greatest, IMHO. DFI has made some good boards and some bad boards. ASUS are pretty much considered rock-stable, but I know several people who would beg to differ. Overall, just do a check around for a couple of boards that fit what you're looking for and look for some decent reviews of them (google = your friend!). Once you get a couple narrowed down, I'm sure you'll find some strong opinions here at [H]. Good luck!
i have the dfi lanparty b and its a wonderful board. I to was afraid but you learn. I still dont know a lot about it. Its a very good board
Personally there are only two boards id currently build a xp system on(ive basically built on every manufacture's board @ work)

1. Asus A7N8XE-DLX
2. MSI K7N2 Delta Plat

Both are amazing boards, can't go wrong with either choice!
Can anyone comment on how hard it might be for me (a semi-nub builder) to set up a DFI infinity board?

Is it stupid to base my decision on which board I get because of how many SATA connectors they have on it?

I'm pretty much down to ASUS and DFI, but I'm afraid of the DFI's BIOS.
i still am a nub on the dfi. I love it. It is a wonderful board. everyone told me i shouldnt get it because i wouldnt know how to run it. but i learned and am still learning. I am only good at computer games and building and moding computers. when it comes to bios's and that such psh you gotta go to my brother for that one.

I say go for the dfi. If you dont like it return it and get a different one

i love the options on the dfi. dual lan i love.
Didn't Soyo recently announce that they're leaving the mainboard market? Would be a bad idea to buy anything from them then.
Any other comments on purchasing DFI over ASUS soley because of the 4x SATA connectors that the ultra infinty has to offer?

I suppose I could throw in 50 bux for a Promise PCI Raid card when I get another HDD if I dont go with the DFI board... can anyone comment on these RAID controllers, or using one of them in general?