Can't boot Windows 7 install DVD with SSD installed in MacBook Pro


Limp Gawd
Jan 1, 2010
I am trying to install Windows 7 Ultimate 32bit on my MacBook Pro 3,1 with a Crucial M225 256GB SSD. I already have a bootcamp partition on the SSD and everything is set up. However when I try and start up the computer with the SSD installed, it will hang at the grey screen. If I take out the SSD the windows installer will start fine, but since the disk isn't connected I obviously can't install it. The SSD has the latest firmware as of ~3 months ago.

The DVD boots fine in my friends 8,1 MPB.

Any ideas on how to get it to boot with the drive installed?

Have you tried holding option/ALT while booting? That brings you to the boot selection screen.
I suggest trying to install Win7 via flashdrive.

The mac EFI won't boot a windows from a flash drive and with rEFIt bootloader it just hangs. Overall it's pretty hit and miss as to whether or not a mac will be able to boot the USB drive.

And yes, when I hold down option I can select the CD, but it just hangs at that screen. If I remove my SSD, I can select the CD and it starts perfectly fine.
The mac EFI won't boot a windows from a flash drive and with rEFIt bootloader it just hangs. Overall it's pretty hit and miss as to whether or not a mac will be able to boot the USB drive.

And yes, when I hold down option I can select the CD, but it just hangs at that screen. If I remove my SSD, I can select the CD and it starts perfectly fine.

I actually had this issue. I think it is the EFI to blame for this. When I bought my macbook pro last year, I quickly installed a C300 in it. However I had to take it out earlier this year since I thought it would be better used in my desktop. I recently upgraded so I wipe the C300 and put it back into my MBP and it will constantly hang. Not only that the W7 install was constantly getting corrupted.