Cant boot into Server 03 Standard Edition


Supreme [H]ardness
Dec 24, 2004
I had to restart Server 03 Standard Edition today due to me uninstalling a program and it required a restart to finish. Now the thing wont boot up. It hangs at the loading screen with the bar. So I tried booting from last known config and that still doesnt work. Next, I tried going into safe mode and see if that works and it hangs when its loading the acpitabl.dat file.

So naturally I google it and find this file not loading is kinda common, except none of there fixes are helping me. This is a Sony computer so BIOS options are very very limited and the options I can change have no effect (already tried). I have not changed anything driver wise, just uninstalled a mail server which required a reboot. No hardware changes, I been running this computer in its same config for over 6 months now. Granted I just formatted it and reinstalled Server 03 on it no more than 2 weeks ago. But its been a dedicated learning server of mine for about 6 months now, and not a single hardware change has occured since then. Just a format 2 weeks ago.

I also tried just to do a repair install, but I do not have the option it looks like. I boot from CD, I hit enter and then I accept terms. I selected the partition and I do not have an option to hit R on the keyboard to do a repair install.

Any ideas what can cause this file not to load?
Now I cant even get Safe Mode to start booting. I hit F8 and when I select Safe Mode, you get that white loading bar at the bottom of the screen. It goes to 100% full but just stops after that. I cant even get the system drivers/files to start loading.
Something corrupted during the uninstall, what mail server was it?

Did you have a system state backup?

If not, you may be installing server over top itself, with is never recommended.
SmartMail 5

No backup, this install of Server 03 is just to learn Server 03, im not actually using it in a real environment, so its no big deal if I go ahead and reinstall. I can just go ahead and do a Live Install of Ubuntu, get the files I need and transfer them to my desktop and then just go ahead and format it and reinstall 03.

I just really don't want to do a full format and install again because my internet is ass slow in my apartment and takes forever to download the updates. Ugh, this is going in as a weekend project.