Cant access WHS 2011 remotely

Joni Nitro

Mar 20, 2005
I am getting fed up with this. I have read, and read, and read.....followed guides. I still cant access WHS via remote desktop. I keep getting an error that says the router is blocked. I have used port forwarding and tried everything I can find. I am so far down the rabbit hole I dont know which way is up at this point. I am no networking guru so I am not 100% sure I have done everything correctly.

Any thoughts? Where should I start?
Did you open up port 3389 on your router and forwarded that to the internal IP address of WHS?
Search google for port checker to make sure those ports are open. I think that you need 80,443, and 3389 open. Also you need to either make the server ip static or have a dhcp reservation for it.
Why 80 and 443 ?
if he only needs to RDP in then 3389 is the only port he needs open - right ?
OP - what kind of router do you have ?
perhaps we'd be able to guide you to what pages you need to goto to make the changes.
I have a Netgear WDNR3700v2. I have only tried to PF 80 and 443 to ports 8008 and 8009. I also opened these ports in whs firewall.

I just checked and ports 80, 443, 3389 are all closed. I guess this means my port forwarding isnt setup correctly.
The way port forwarding should work is you select what ports you want and send them to the network location on the internal network.
For example:
outside router inside IP:pORT
80 =======ROUT====>

What im trying to say is, just forwarding ports wouldn't work, you need to forward them to an IP:port combination - in this case the local IP of the WHS box.
Also, you would need to open those ports up in the Firewall section of the router.
So I went through all of the instructions and things seemed to work, but I think what is hindering me is the fact that 3389 is block by my isp or something. What I need now is the proper way to configure my server to use a different port and forward to that. 80, 443, 3389 are blocked. I checked 8008 from a previous guide and it is unlocked.
If 3389 is indeed blocked at the ISP, then u can just use any other non-standard open port on the router and forward that to 3389 on the server... this would be a whole lot better.. prevents bots from trying to bruteforce in.