Cannot locate windows 2000 install


Pleeze Maik Mee STFU!!
Oct 23, 2001
Hello all, thanks for taking the time to read my message. I have a Dell C810 Latitude laptop running Windows 2000. This morning it got the error upon boot "winnt\system32\config\systemced is missing or corrupt"

So I put in the install CD to run a quick repair. To my dismay the disk could not detect the Windows 2000 installation. I have no emergency floppy either. I tried fixing the MBR and fixing the boot partition to no avail. I have also run a chkdsk with no luck.

The extension "ced" seems strange...most likely a username of someone who logged into the workstation in the past.

Can anyone help me? Google has turned up naught and I would like to resolve this issue as soon as possible. If I chose to re-install the OS, would it simply replace system files or do a complete new install?
The data is still there. I saw it while using the recovery console.