Canadian [H]ard people

Montreal, Quebec...Not French Canadian but I do speak french as it is not optional here.
Vancouver, BC

I'm so glad we have so many computer shops around, that way I don't have to order stuff online.
Was in Richmond, BC, now I'm in Weyburn, SK for about 5 months, and then I'll most likely be moving back to Richmond.

I didn't know there were so many Canadian Geeks. :D
Another for Saskatoon, Saskatchewan... What are your guys' favourite store here? Personally i like OTVtech... Provided almost all the components for my computer, and really cheap too.
Saskatoon Saksachewwing
My frind is having a lan parte on saterday but he wont let me come becuz I'm too poor to buy a desent computer.. I cant even aford an edicashion! I live in a cardbord bocks with a MAC! *Bursts out crying*
Originally posted by acetic
Another for Saskatoon, Saskatchewan... What are your guys' favourite store here? Personally i like OTVtech... Provided almost all the components for my computer, and really cheap too.

I know a guy who owns a computer store there.
I know a guy who owns a computer store there.

As long as its not some crappy store that sells junk for high prices (Futureshop, Staples, Sometimes London Drugs, Just about any Large chain of stores) its all good.
London Drugs is BS... almost a year ago I got caught there for trying to steal... but its all good cause stealing aint cool and I dont do it anymore
Originally posted by BiGWooDy
London Drugs is BS... almost a year ago I got caught there for trying to steal... but its all good cause stealing aint cool and I dont do it anymore

They didn't pin you down using excessive force causing serious injuries, right? No wait, that's only Loblaws :D
Milton, Ontario. 40 min sw of The Tdot. If anyone knows any big lans coming up please give up the goods.
From Barrie, ON originally. Attenting UoG in Guelph, ON, but i'm in Ottawa now doing a coop workterm. Ub312, I have a lot of friends in Milton heh, and damn there are some FINE chicks that go to UoG from Milton.
I am... Canadian.

From Cowansville, Québec actually.

Think big, sti. :D
Hrmm, nice to see Canadians on here but what the heck? I mean are we all from the Mid West and Ontario (no offense folks). I'm an Atlantic Canadian... NB all the way!
