Can you PrintScrn Just the primary display?

Happy Hopping

Supreme [H]ardness
Jul 1, 2004
I have a slightly older software that only support a max. of 4096 horizontal. But I have 2 x 2560x1600 LCD. So when I screen capture via "PrintScrn", I can't paste as that software will crash. So I have to either buy a newer software or just change the res. of my 2nd screen temporary so the screen cap fill in the 4096 limit.

But I really just want to screen cap. the primary screen, is there a way just to screen capture the primary?
I'm not sure, without proprietary screen capture software anyway. However, you could use Alt+PrntScrn if capturing the current window is sufficient for your needs. Vista has a new Snipping Tool, which will take a "snip" of any area of the screen, also.
Thank you very much. That's all I need. I am not aware in that Alt Print Screen command. Sure isn't in any manual I own.
it's just one of many undocumented shortcuts Windows have that's been around since Win95. It's a great tool.

Ofttimes employees would just hit PrintScreen and show me entire desktops instead of just error messages (I'm an IT Manager) so I would frequently have to copy the screenshots off of email body and paste it on my desktop so I can open it with an image viewer to see it since email body tends to be too small lol.

ALT-PrintScreen takes screenshots of just the window or prompt you're focusing on.
I've had to send our monthly IT tips to people, and this is one of the most common I repeat. I love that people want to send me error messages, especially from our home offices....but I only need the message, not the entire screen. This is one of those things I just assumed everyone knew, like CTRL+C, etc, but I'm finding out that people don't.
Its been documented since Windows 95, but for 95 it was only documented in the online KB article about keyboard shortcuts. It was available on release day.
get HoverSnap - free
runs as an executable without any installation.

it saves the picture to the folder of you choice with a time stamp as the name.
very handy, i load it up with windows so that its always there
Prnt Scrn and Alt Prnt Scrn have been used by me more than any other short cut ever, I loves it.