Can you identify this item in my device manager?


Aug 24, 2003
I noticed this "Mega Byte" item in my device manager. I don't know what it is and Google wasn't any help. I'd appreciate your help. Thanks.

Right click on it and go to details tab, look at Device Instance Path option, you'll see


There will be 4 characters, after each tag, use those.

Type those 2 numbesr in

*thanks to joe average for this tip*
Correct me if I am wrong but that appears to be an IPV6 protocol device.
Thanks for the comments.

@Chris - Here's a pic the device instance tab. I don't see the string you mentioned.

@Ace - I will look into that & get back to you.

@MaiMai - This is not an HP machine. It's a home built system. The comp is built around an Abit NF-M2 nView.

Thanks again.
Good morning Joe. I don't see the "Device Instance ID string" you mention. Here is another pic of it. I scrolled through all the listings and I don't see any Ven or Dev info.

Well I'm stumped. Did some research into that mobo and can't find any reference to anything "Mega Byte" related as part of the hardware, so... all I can suggest is go to Abit's website and grab every single driver they have for that board and install 'em; one of 'em is bound to fill it out. :D
Roger That! Now that I think about it, that board has an onboard hardware firewall. I will check that out & report back. Thanks again everyone.
I have the same problem but mine just says "Other Device" and doesnt have a Device Instance ID String. Not really sure what the deal is.. Have an ASRock 939Dual-SATAII
Well look through the list of items and I'm sure you'll find it in there somewhere.
Go download Everest, it will say what the device is. Hopefully. I use it all the time at work to figure out unknowns.