can you buy CC extension wires?

Oct 1, 2004
Can you buy extension wires for the wire that goes from the bulb to the inverter? I need a little bit longer of one to reach from the top of my case down to my inverter.
Will those longer cords help you overclock higher? or help with some heat issues?
oops, i meant to put this in the case modding forum. Either way i appreciate your sarcasm, you wasted more of your time being sarcastic than you would of ignoring it or just answering yes or no.
They do make them, I do have some, and I have noticed that with the longer extensions, I get less brightness, on either my red cathodes or my UV ones, so buyer beware, it may fit your needs, but it may lower your output as well...
cnealjr said:
They do make them, I do have some, and I have noticed that with the longer extensions, I get less brightness, on either my red cathodes or my UV ones, so buyer beware, it may fit your needs, but it may lower your output as well...

Ditto, sells CCFL extension wires, but they make the lamp about half as bright.
AuroraProject said:
Ditto, sells CCFL extension wires, but they make the lamp about half as bright.
then there is something wrong with your setup, I've used them before and they havent made any less bright. Also the performance-pcs cables are sleeved in whatever color and heatshrink you want.
I would say there maybe something wrong with the cable, not the setup. I tried the extension with 4 different lamps (2 different brands) and had the same results on all 4. I decided not to run it.
If you just extend the wires yourself and use a lower guage wire you should be all right. As long as it isn't too far you won't lose that much brightness.
im not one for CCFL's but i woul dhave to say that it would be esier to jut run 2 diff inverters