can u guys help me mod my PSOne screen into my case?


Feb 5, 2005
Yesterday, I went to gamestop and purchases a 5 inch PSOne LCD screen (Sony Brand) and took it apart. Now I am trying to figure out the cheapest way to connect it to my computer. I saw a tutorial on how to connect the screen to VGA, but for that to work, Csync is required, and I don't beleive my GeForce FX5200 supports that. Another possibility with the VGA would be i would have to make a Hsync+Vsync=Csync (i think thats what its called) but that involves etching my own PCB board, which I dont know how to do. Another option could be to use the AV in 3.5mm jack to convert the input into composite, and then convert that into S-Video (my vid card doesnt have composite output, only S-video). I found a cable with a 3.5mm jack on one end and the yellow, red and white cables on the other, so i plugged the RCA cables to a DVD player, and the 3.5mm jack to the screen, but it didtn work, as I only got left channel audio and some static. (the cord I used was found in a portable DVD player. My last option would be to buy the AV cables used to hook the PSOne up to a TV and then use a male-to-male Playstation connector.

So basically, I need to find either the 3.5mm jack with composite input, or a male-to-male Playstation connector thingy. Can u guys help me find one of these things?

RadioShack (And all other electronics suppliers for that matter) sell something called a proto board. Buy one. Build a HSync+VSync=CSync adapter. Basically, you just use wire to connect the components instead of etching a PCB.
I found this a while back and considered trying it but I am unable to find a shop still selling the screens here in the UK, anyway here is the link. there is a circuit diagram just over halfway down the page
have fun, when you finish it could you post up somehting on how you got on so I can see how you got on. thanks
alright thanks guys,
i ended up going at this the easy way thru a composite input
Could you post the tutorial for modding the PSone display, I lost my link and was considering doing this.

Also is it possible to use componet output on a video card to use this screen? I have seen this screen in use on a PS1 and it looks amazing, I know it is 640x480 VGA, I wish they would make one this high in quality for the XBox
get a 2nd vid card that has csync such as the matrox mystique i believe, you can get it for 10bux off ebay.. got this info from bit-tech forums, they have a few huge threads on psone modding.

from the link gulp posted

To get this display to work off the bat, I had to plug in another monitor to its port until I logged into windows, and then I plugged in the display. This problem was quickly resolved by using a video card that supports C-Sync. Most ATI cards will support this, but few NVidia cards do. You will have to check the technical specification of your video card to find out. Alternativly you can use an old Matrox Mystique card. It supports the functionality of C-Sync