Can the ABIT IP35-E handle SSD?


Limp Gawd
Nov 17, 2007
Here is the ABIT IP35-E specifications from newegg. I am considering SSD because the prices are dropping extremely fast (the newest SSD form OCZ effectively cut the prices of SSD in half with just one card, who knows what can happen by Christmas?) However I am concerned my motherboard will not be able to handle it. Although I learned basic info about cpus and gpus, I am embarrassed to admit I still dont understand motherboards. It was only recently that I found out that my motherboard cannot handle RAID and I am afraid it cant handle SSD, can someone please tell me if this is the case?
well an ssd is either IDE or SATA so if you can handle those you should be fine.. unless there's some secret SSD thing I don't know about..
Thank you very much, was a little scared for a second. Is there a particular reason why I am unable to run raid though? Does my board simply not have an RAID controller? I mean I think I have atelast 4-6 SATA ports (only using two, one for optical drive, the other for hard drive).
Most SSDs use a normal SATA or IDE interface so it shouldnt be a problem. In theory anyway.
standard interface for SSDs. You're fine.

The board cant do RAID because it doesnt have a controller to do the calcs or split the data to each drive. Thus its incapable of RAID. Newer boards have a controller on the board or on the chipset.
That board should be able to do RAID due to its chipset and the Southbridge being ICH9; albeit, not very well for anything past RAID0 or RAID1, but for SSDs, RAID0 should be blazin' fast. :D
Hmm is it possible that I can buy a RAID controller? Or I should say, if I purchase a RAID controller is it as good as, or even better, then a board that has a build in RAID controller? I heard that SSD scales extremely well in RAID and wana take advantage of this feature in the future =).
Unless you are specifically worried about capacity, dont bother with RAID. The drives are already doing stupid well in transfer rates without it.
You can do software RAID or buy an addon RAID controller no problem. It will be faster or as fast (depending on if you get hardware or hardware assisted software RAID)

Syntax, all the things I've seen say it has no RAID firmware despite being ICH9