Can my computer handle a 2405?


Limp Gawd
Oct 23, 2005
Hey guys,
After seeing the 360 on the 2405 i really want one. I have gone through terrible luck with my last two 32" lcd TV's and have decied to say screw it. Im just curious if i will be able to run the 2405 at the max resolution of 1920x1080 if that is correct max resolution. I do not do much gaming other then bf2. This is my setup right now-
1.8 amd bareton3200 core
9600xt agp
1gib corsair ram ddr
320gb hd
1)If i can not run the monitor at that resolution what would you upgrade to make it possible?
2) What resolution would i be able to handle?
3)Finally, is there any good deals going on the 2405w right now?
Thank you ahead of time for your help.
your videocard will not be able to push that resolution, especially in BF2. I am not even sure if it could with all the details turned to the lowest setting.
your cpu would also have trouble, being an AthlonXP. An upgrade to a recent videocard and an Athlon64 would be your best bet. Unfortunately.
What video card would you suggest? i am on a tight budget. Also is the a better processor i can get? i have the nfs-7 mob. Please leave feedback, i would really like to buy one but dont want to make an expensive mistake.Thanks
The main thing is definitely your video card. The 2405 has a huge native resolution, and LCD's don't look too nice on anything other than the native res, so a very powerful GPU will be needed to play the games at that res. I don't know what your 'tight' budget is, but a 2405 takes a beast of a GPU for games... and on the AGP platform, I'm not sure you're gonna be able to do it on a 'tight' budget. I'm pretty sure my 6800NU couldn't do it... and the GT's and Ultras are godly expensive. I think the X850xt pe and the 6800Ultra are about as good as it gets on the AGP platform, and I don't know if those can do that bigass resolution and some eye candy with good results.

You might have to move to PCI-E and a 7800gt to do it, and lord knows that ain't cheap.

BUT, if you're planning on getting an xbox 360 and just playing games on that through the 2405, and not gaming with your PC, you should be fine with the 9600xt... the 9600xt will do the resolution in windows, no doubt.
Yea. I'd grab the display and see what you think. You get 30 days if it doesn't suit your needs..

I personally have an LCD display and my computer isn't powerful enough to play games at it's native resolution (1280x1024) so I have to turn them down usually to 1024x768. Overall I can see some reduction in sharpness but in all honesty after a while you forget about it and it really isn't that bad. It's always better to run at native but it seems to me that the interpolation on LCDs has improved (or just on my model) from previous generation LCDs.

I'd give it a shot and see if it does what you want.
Canon said:
Yea. I'd grab the display and see what you think. You get 30 days if it doesn't suit your needs..

I personally have an LCD display and my computer isn't powerful enough to play games at it's native resolution (1280x1024) so I have to turn them down usually to 1024x768. Overall I can see some reduction in sharpness but in all honest after a while you forget about it and it really isn't that bad. It's always better to run at native but it seems to me that the interpolation on LCDs has improved (or just on my model) from previous generation LCDs.

I'd give it a shot and see if it does what you want.

Yeah, my benq lcd doesn't look THAT bad at non-native res (though i keep it at native res). Definitely nothing to lose MUCH sleep over :D :p
Like anything, it depends on your budget. If you have an Abit NF7-S (like I think you meant) you could run a mobile chip, like an XP Mobile 2500 or 2600 and get 2.5ghz on air easily. But that depends on your cooling...a stock cooler won't cut it on that setup. Same with power supply, case cooling, etc.; all need to be up to the task. As far as video, if you were to stay with that board, I guess going for broke and getting a top of the line 6800 is your best bet for that game, since AGP goes no further than that. But you can't do all the goodies on that Socket A just can't do it all, even maxed out. Upgrading a now-defunct socket is only going to get more expensive from here on out.
But really though, now is the time to upgrade if you are running up against a technological wall. I did that very thing, going from an XP 2600-M @2.6 on an NF7-S 2.0 board, and went to A64 @2.5Ghz. The difference is very noticeable, performance of an A64 setup is sweet indeed!
Budgeting might be tight, but upgrading your current setup might just be as pricey and involved (if not more so) than just bumping up to A64. XP Mobiles are scarce now (think eBay), and AGP cards tend to be pricier than the comparable PCI-e video cards. And you want performance that AGP really can't offer anymore, the ceiling is there.
So: replace processor+video card+Dell monitor=possibly pricey
Also: replace motherboard+processor+video card+Dell monitor=pricey as well, but much better performance
Either one is doable, just depends on budget and overall longetivity on the system. Plus that is a freaky expensive monitor, but very nice. :cool:
^^^ Indeed. OP, have you thought about the cheaper, 20 inch brother to the 2405? It comes in widescreen too, you'd have a little more money to upgrade everything...
Well what i am really loking for is a big monitor for the 360, and computer. i have purchased two 32" lcd TV's and was so dissapointed. I can have a friend help me with modifying the new setup, but how much you think were talkin to just fix up my computer? i would like to use my ram,hdd. Please help me with whats compatible and price estimate(any idea on total) So i can decide what i would like to do. Thanks again for all your help, i would have never been able to figure this out on my own.
how about u get a 2005 instead, a little smaller native res and a 6800GT card, that should do it.
I am running a 2405FPW with a eVGA 6800GT at 1920x1200 (with a AMD64 3500+). No problem for general work and DVD playing. Pretty decent for gaming as well, but not with maxed out settings for FPS games.
c1001 said:
I am running a 2405FPW with a eVGA 6800GT at 1920x1200 (with a AMD64 3500+).

If that's your real system I'll assume that your sig is a lie and BS. Otherwise, a frickin' X2 4800+ with 7800 gtx's in SLI, coupled with 2 gigs of that memory? You really can't get a much better system, and it would be almost impossible to get a better fps gaming. So either 1) You lied about your system in your sig, and "playing games w/maxed out res" really doesn't show top performance with the 2405, based on the specs you listed above or 2) You're going to concoct a story about how your sig is your "real" computer and these specs you just listed is the rig you have to game on at home or something like that. Either way, I love people who just make-up/exaggerate/lie their specs in order to grow a bigger e-penis. I actually do have the rig in my sig, and gaming on the 2405 w/maxed out settings usually sees decent performance, unless you're talking top of the line games. (Then, usually you may only be able to game/get decent fps at medium settings, which still isn't all that bad)
I game at 1920x1200 resolution from my lowly 6800nu, just don't expect any super eye candy. Heck, I ran it before with a Ti4600 at lower resolutions. I suggest you buy it, and try it, and if you like the monitor but realize you're not happy with the performance of your video card, then upgrade your video card, if you dislike the monitor, just return it to Dell. Just remember to return it within the 21 days grace period. Don't just settle for a smaller LCD if what you really want is the 2405FPW.
Just popping in for a few comments.

The 9600XT can drive a monitor at 1920x1200 resolutions (I do it). However, the maximum vertical refresh rate you can get out of it is 75 Hz (I get 85 in Windows; probably not a problem with an LCD, I don't think LCD refresh rates go above 70 Hz). I run a Sony FW900 off my 9600XT - unfortunately, I can't run it at 1920x1200 @ 100 Hz, at least not until my next vid card.
Thats sweet thanks, although what is the advantage of the higher 100hz. I am a NOOB so please explain. Do you think i could still play bf2 on it?
The higher the refresh rate, the easier on the eyes when staring at a lit screen for hours, I believe. I think it has to do with how fast the lines are drawn at a time...the higher the better.
I myself wonder, does that matter as much for LCD monitors? They don't seem to support as high refresh rates as CRT does...
Refresh rate is mostly for CRT monitors (like my FW900 or FP912). It's how many times the tube draws the screen per second (60Hz would be 60x a second, 100 Hz is 100x a second). I can see the boatloads of flicker at the lower refresh rates (60 and even 75 Hz) and it leads to eye strain and fatigue.

For LCDs it's not as important, if at all. Anyway, in regards to Battlefield 2 - I think the 9600XT would start crying if you were to run it at 1920x1200. But of course, I don't own the game so I'd have no idea.

Worse comes to worse, you'd have to run it at a nonnative resolution.
The 2405 runs at 60hz

I'd say buy it and test it out for yourself. If you don't like it, return it within 21 days.
Reminder that you dont HAVE to play games at the native resolution taking up the entire screen.

I have a 2005 which is not quite as big but...

I can play quake 4 at 1024x768 using the ingame widescreen button and (dispite being slightly off since 16:9 is not 16:10) the game runs and looks fine (in my opinion)

And, for some other games, I've played at resolutions say, 1280x720, 1280x1024 or 1152x768 etc at a 1:1 pixel ratio, thus, not taking up the whole screen. Sure it means you'd feel like you can tile the image your seeing across your monitor a couple of times, but its still perfectly crisp and not chunky frame rate.

But if you utterly must have the entire display taken up at perfect image quality (native resolution). 1980x1200 is alot to ask, especially for newer PC games.

If you are looking at upgrading your PC due to the monitor, You might like to look at toms hardware vga performance charts to get some ideas.
Doesn't have nvidia 7800 there or 512mb cards I dont think, (or battlefield 2 for being benchmarked) but, yeah. It'll give you an idea as to frame rates of graphics cards for games these days anyway.
Thanks a lot, ya i just got a 6800ultraoc off the for sale so that should help.
how much did you pay, what processor are you pairing it with, and how much RAM is in the system (or will be in the system?)
I paid 250 for it, this system, amd barteon 3200, 1gig corsair 3500, and i just bought a x-infinty 500watt ps.Why is there going to be a problem?
please dont run that rig wtih that PS. go check out hte PSU forum sticky for a list of good PSU vendors, x-infinity definatly is not one of them.
oh im so pissed i posted there and they told me to buy that one :mad:, you think it will still work?
You may actually get a winner with this PSU, but you will be taking a risk. It's like Russian roulette. It will work until it decides that it no longer wants to work. Then it may kill some of your other components when it dies.
Casej18 said:
I paid 250 for it, this system, amd barteon 3200, 1gig corsair 3500, and i just bought a x-infinty 500watt ps.Why is there going to be a problem?

OMG Infinity? Your just asking to fry a system component with that POS. If wanna get out the situation without breaking bank, pick up a nice Antec like this one.

Your PSU is the lifeblood of your system, if it has a problem your SYSTEM will have a problem. If its unable to provide reliable and stable voltages and currents on the lines, your gonna have so many issues it will make your head spin and maybe even dead hardware.

NEVER skimp on the power supply.
I'm using a cheap PSU on my rig... it's dangerous, but that adds to the excitement of OCing. It's kind of like playing Russian Roulette without the chance of blowing your brains out. And if you're successful, then you can get on DoD:S and e-blow people's brains out with higher FPS. :D

JK, new one coming next week
Im gonna cry, they sent me a bad one. Then i order another one before i posted this...Im not ocing or anything, do i still have to worry about the power supply? When you say hardware you mean my video card and such? i just bought that 6800ultra oc and if it burns that thing up i dont know what im gonna do.I have a lan party saturday if i use that card for one day am i still risking it? I see that thread for power supply, what you think the best power supply is for around 70-80 dollars that will be able to handle that video card.Thanks again