Can I use reg/ecc ram on a8n-e with opteron 170?


May 16, 2002
I have some extra corsair pc3200 rec/ecc ram, can I use it with an opteron 170 and asus a8n-e combo? I realize that the 939 pin opterons don't need registered ram, but will they work with it if that's what is present?
i'm pretty sure it won't, but i've seen weirder things happen ;)
worth a shot, let us know if you try it
i know ecc is like that, but i'm pretty sure reg ram won't work in unreg systems, and unreg ram definitly won't work in a registered system
wazoo42 said:
I have some extra corsair pc3200 rec/ecc ram, can I use it with an opteron 170 and asus a8n-e combo? I realize that the 939 pin opterons don't need registered ram, but will they work with it if that's what is present?

The answer is NO. Socket 939 systems do not support registered memory - and any attempt to use registered memory in a system that does not support such memory will result in your system not being able to even POST at all whatsoever. And the way that registered memory is designed, the register must either be fully enabled or the entire stick won't work at all.

The only systems that will work at all with registered memory are the Socket 940 AMD Opterons (which require registered memory) and most Intel Xeon systems. And nope, Socket 940 is not the same as Socket 939 - the sockets are physically incompatible with each other.

Speaking of ECC memory:
Yes, the Athlon 64 memory controller does support ECC memory. However, PC3200 unbuffered ECC memory sticks are rare; most PC3200 ECC memory on the market is registered.
Thanks for all of the replies, I guess I will begin hunting for some ram too.
Try it anyways. I have built a X2 system for a friend on an Asus A8N-SLI Deluxe and we used his Corsair ECC Registered ram from his FX-53 system and it worked fine.