Can I SLI two Nvidia cards that are not identical?


Jul 23, 2007
Does anyone know if I could add one of these next gen cards 9800? to an existing 8800 gts or gtx in sli mode. One person told me you had to have identical cards for sli. Another said that you could add a different card from NVidia but both cards would run and the same level as the worst card.
As of SLI right now, you need identical cards. They can be from different manufacturers / have different stock clocks... But the same card must be used. 2x 8800GTX.
You could flash a GTX with an Ultra BIOS (or an Ultra with a GTX BIOS) and thusly have an Ultra and a GTX play nice in SLI, because they are different revisions of the exact same core, but no, you cannot get an 8800 and one of the yet-to-be-released cards to work together, ever. I doubt this will ever change.
Actually I believe same core will do.

So you could mix any 8800 GTS/GT/Ultra.

Actually I'm not too sure about GTS + GT/Ultra because one quad is disabled on the GTS (though technically the same core).

I do know in the 7 series you could mix 7900 GT/7900 GTX/7950 GTs though.
Don't believe GTS and GTX/Ultra will work in SLI, no. Even if they did you'd be using the GTX or Ultra like a GTS, crippling it fairly severely. Seems like a really poor plan to me.