Can i run CS:S at maximum setting at 1024xwateva

Mar 8, 2005
Hey guys i gota a Gigabyte 6600GT turbo force edition which i got it running at 545/1120 i was wondering can i run CS:S i was wondering can i run the game on maximum detail at 1024 by wateva, will it be laggy or smooth. Because i want to know before i purchase the gane.
My friend plays CS:S on a 6600gt and AMD 3200+ 1gig ram at 1024 just fine...not sure how high the settings, but I'm sure you can play with nice settings.
incomudro said:
why do people ask these questions just try it and find out
B/C he said he wanted to know BEFORE he spent money on the game.

Anyway, the game is fun on *almost* any setting (I play at work on a 2.8gHz Dell with an x300, talk about suck settings, game is still fun). At home I can run decently high settings on my two 9800Pro machines (1280x1024, 4xAA,4xAF) and maxed settings on my main gaming rig (6800GT@420/1200).

You'll spend more time hunting your opponents than looking at the purdy textures.
Friend runs the same card with a 3200+ A64 and runs at 1280x1024 at max settings. Don't think he has any AA or AF though, but it works great. I am sure you could make it 4xaa 8xaf no problem.
Phranq said:
My friend plays CS:S on a 6600gt and AMD 3200+ 1gig ram at 1024 just fine...not sure how high the settings, but I'm sure you can play with nice settings.

My friend has a similair rig. He F*cking lights source up. I am so jealous. He hammers like 85 frames a second ALL settings maxed. I can hear his video card yawn when he plays its so easy for it. 1024x768 it catches on fire and pumps out 110 or so. It's amazing. Your fine, buy the card.
well, he doesn't need to return it.....take my word for it! it will run very fast @ 1024x768 max everything.
Ive got a 6600gt running at 569/1200 and CS:S and HL2 run perfectly, at the highest settings for everything.
Look up benchmarks?

It doesn't matter... half life 2 is such a good game that you should get it even if you cna't run it with all the eye candy.
i actually ordered a 6600GT this sunday and it should be arriving tommorrow, and im also planning on getting HL2. im not worried about the card not being able to run this game, but i am worried about my CPU.

its a P4 2.26B (2.26 GHz 533 MHz FSB), and it doesnt overclock at all (2.4 GHz is unstable, but i'd be willing to live with it if it made much difference).
how CPU dependent is Half Life 2?
how CPU dependent will Battlefield 2 be, for that matter?
will my CPU keep me from running HL2 game at 1280x1024, 4xaa, 4xaf, on high settings?

thnx, and sorry if im hijacking this thread.
with that card u would have no problems running that game at max settings @ 1600x1200
I have A64 3000 with 1 gig of ddr400 duel chan and 6600gt and I play cs s @ 1600x1280 with 2xAA and 8xAF I dont really need aa when playing at 1600x1280 the jaggy arent that bad too me the card should run it fine.With max setting
Patman said:
My friend has a similair rig. He F*cking lights source up. I am so jealous. He hammers like 85 frames a second ALL settings maxed. I can hear his video card yawn when he plays its so easy for it. 1024x768 it catches on fire and pumps out 110 or so. It's amazing. Your fine, buy the card.

Lolz i think you mean your fine, buy the game. Lolz i already got the card.