can hl2 b installed on muliple computers for LAN?

Since the installation is tied to Steam (and your steam account) if I installed it at work here, and at home there is no way one key can be used at the same time (unless my 1-1/2 year old really got into the game while I was away).

I don't have HL2 yet (darn freaking Amazon) so I haven't read the EULA yet (I'm sure someone here has read it). I know some EULA's allow it installed on more than 1 PC, as long as each instance is only used 1 at a time, but some forbid multi-pc installs period.

If this guy was asking if you could have 1 copy, and install it and try to play it on 5 computers, heck, even the original HL couldn't do that. CD-Keys stop a whole lot of the casual pirates.
dats long... i have 3 computers at home dats why i wish 2 install it all on there so when my friends come over we can all have lan battles, seeing has u guys cant help me out i find a way hehehe :) it aint piracy cuz i baught a legit copy same has all u guys, has long has i buy it and i aint making monely out of it its NOT PIRACY.. in my opinion
Like I said, I don't have my copy yet, so I haven't read the EULA, but I gurantee they at least say you can't have it "playing" on more than 1 machine in any given time (the license is the CD-Key).

So, you do that, its pirating. No if-ands-or-buts about it.
jonneymendoza said:
dats long... i have 3 computers at home dats why i wish 2 install it all on there so when my friends come over we can all have lan battles, seeing has u guys cant help me out i find a way hehehe :) it aint piracy cuz i baught a legit copy same has all u guys, has long has i buy it and i aint making monely out of it its NOT PIRACY.. in my opinion

unfortunately what is and is not Piracy has nothing to do with YOUR opinion. Only the law
I also have three computers in one room and would love to play counterstrike source and Half Life 2 Multiplayer when it comes out on a LAN, but that's not going to happen unless I want to spend 100.00 more. Call it casual piracy or whatever, but to me that's just ridiculous.
]|[ Mar']['in ]|[ said:
unfortunately what is and is not Piracy has nothing to do with YOUR opinion. Only the law

And I avoided the "backup installs / one copy at a time" side of things because it's obvious you're looking to pirate the software. Here's a couple options:
1) Have your pals buy the game
2) Play Enemy Territory, it's completely free

End User License Agreement.

Basically, the legal binding you agree too when you install the game. If you "break" the EULA, they can come get you. Granted, chances are they wont, but it is illegal, and wrong. If you are "planning" on installing it on more than 1 computer, you don't "agree" with the "terms" set forth by the EULA, so you can't install the game on even a single machine.

Of course, if you don't agree to Microsoft's EULA for Windows, you don't have windows installed either (and I'm guessing you do), agree with their EULA, or go Linux.

EULA is the law, break the law and you could suffer the penalties.
jonneymendoza said:
dats long... i have 3 computers at home dats why i wish 2 install it all on there so when my friends come over we can all have lan battles, seeing has u guys cant help me out i find a way hehehe :) it aint piracy cuz i baught a legit copy same has all u guys, has long has i buy it and i aint making monely out of it its NOT PIRACY.. in my opinion
Isn't HL2 only single player? CS:S is the multiplayer IIRC. So can't CS:S be installed on multiple computers?
Nice to know this... It is a great feature to be able to install it on as many computers as we want.
tjr1973 said:
I also have three computers in one room and would love to play counterstrike source and Half Life 2 Multiplayer when it comes out on a LAN, but that's not going to happen unless I want to spend 100.00 more. Call it casual piracy or whatever, but to me that's just ridiculous.

Um there is no HL2 Multiplayer. Thats called CS:S.

Also, EDITED from the link posted from
"Yes, you can use your Steam account on as many different computers as you like - but only one at a time!"

So yes, multiple computers is ok, but only one at a time. No lanning off one copy. Man up and buy more copies.
Maybe he was asking if it was similar to HL1. Where you can use the same CD-key a certain number of times. The PC that logs in when the max number of CD-Keys is reached is denied. To play multiplay (HL MP, CS, etc) on LAN with 10 PCs, you only needed 3 or 4 cd-keys. Is it still the same with HL2?
I read on the steam forums that they were going to release another multiplayer aspect of Half Life 2 similar to the original Half Life. Probably not though, as everyone who bought it retail would have to download it. It would be cool though.
what if you try to install HL2 on a computer that does not have internet access? are you not able to install it?