Can Dual Core chips run anything?


Limp Gawd
Jan 18, 2003
I was reading a quote from the head guy over at Valve who said something along the lines of "We wont see performance gains until quad core."

What the heck was he talking about?
I was reading a quote from the head guy over at Valve who said something along the lines of "We wont see performance gains until quad core."

What the heck was he talking about?

Who cares about what Valve says...this coming from a representative of a company who is whoring ads on CS 1.6 now without fixing the multitude of bugs that need to be addressed with 1.6 ie. mouse and keyboard issues. Translation - "we will develop mulithread games for quad core not dual core"....I'm just about had it with Valve!

*Disclaimer - post made by angry Sierra/valve user since '99
Nope, dual core doesn't work for either groups. Time to go back to my 600EB with RAMBUS..... :rolleyes:
I was reading a quote from the head guy over at Valve who said something along the lines of "We wont see performance gains until quad core."

What the heck was he talking about?

I think they are talking about to get the most out of multi threading, quad core and above would only show performance gains. Dual core wont show a big increase because you will still be bottlenecked by only have 2 cores.
Not sure, but perhaps he meant that people would be using quad core processors before games really started taking advantage of multi core processors.
I was reading a quote from the head guy over at Valve who said something along the lines of "We wont see performance gains until quad core."

What the heck was he talking about?

Yea and when quads come into play, they or someone else gonna say same thing about octacores or whatever theyr called:p , and so on...
Who cares about what Valve says...this coming from a representative of a company who is whoring ads on CS 1.6 now without fixing the multitude of bugs that need to be addressed with 1.6 ie. mouse and keyboard issues. Translation - "we will develop mulithread games for quad core not dual core"....I'm just about had it with Valve!

*Disclaimer - post made by angry Sierra/valve user since '99

Why patch a game that is old, outdated, and has a successor?

Hl1 is nearly ten years old now. Just let it die.

Just let it die......
Why patch a game that is old, outdated, and has a successor?

Hl1 is nearly ten years old now. Just let it die.

Just let it die......

It's not us not letting it point is...if you had read my post, that they are screwing with it by placing ad's in the game....if they are going to place ads in it then use some of the revenue to fix some issues they still have with the game.....and when a game still has a following as large as CS1.6 does...yes these issues need to be any given time you can log onto steam and find 12000+ servers operating CS 1.6...I wouldn't call that dead...I would call that 'alive and thriving'.

let me add that I have HL1, HL2, CS condition zero, CS 1.6, CS source, HL2 ep1... back to this guys I said, who gives a flying fart some Valve rep says...maybe their new games need to be run on a quad core so that it can handle the advertisements they will be putting in them....
I think they are talking about to get the most out of multi threading, quad core and above would only show performance gains. Dual core wont show a big increase because you will still be bottlenecked by only have 2 cores.

Considering that even with 1 core, the limiting factor is more often then not the video card, I don't agree.
Considering that even with 1 core, the limiting factor is more often then not the video card, I don't agree.

ehhh...not so fast..some of the newer games are totally cpu dependent ex. SupCom...

Gamers are crying trying to play this game thinking because they have a 8800 and a mild cpu that they are gonna get uber gameplay out of this game and find out quickly that it's not the case when they are getting 10 fps out of their 8800's
Because CS was a revolutionary game and BF2 is not.

Ok, I don't dare call BF2(BF2142) a revolutionary game(hope revolution is yet to come...), but imho it kicks az, bcoz you can fly, u can drive, give orders, etc... i recon its more fun + it looks beter. May be CS is still the best multiplayer 1st person shooter, but what is so revolutionary about it?
ehhh...not so fast..some of the newer games are totally cpu dependent ex. SupCom...

Gamers are crying trying to play this game thinking because they have a 8800 and a mild cpu that they are gonna get uber gameplay out of this game and find out quickly that it's not the case when they are getting 10 fps out of their 8800's

Yes, I realize there are exceptions for every rule, which is exaclty why I said... "More often than not" ;)
It's because of the way Valve is making the Source engine multithreaded. Basically what it will be is one core will be dedicated to "shredding" the tasks the game has to do into pieces for the other cores to do, and putting it back together (maybe doing some work, too). So dual-cores don't really see much of an improvement, as one core is going 100% doing work and the other is maybe 50% shredding+putting back together and only 50% work (not actual #s). Quads obviously have a huge advantage as it can shred it up more efficiently and have each core be more efficient, and I assume octos would be even better.
Considering that even with 1 core, the limiting factor is more often then not the video card, I don't agree.

I was refering to CPU calculations. GPUs dont do AI, physics(not yet atleaset), sound and what ever they plan to put on the cores. have you seen the multi thread test valve did? I doubt a dual core would be able to handle all of that and not have performance issues. A quad core however would allow for all of that to have its own core and should increase performance due to the CPU bottleneck removed/reduced.
"Can dual-core run anything (at all)?"

Valve: Yes, it works for older games like DOOM and basic text-editing. Otherwise I recommend quad core. To run more then two threads at once you need four cores. Afterall, how are two cores supposed to run two threads? It just isn't possible. It's like trying to make a bicycle with two wheels, we all know Gabe can't ride one of those...
I was refering to CPU calculations. GPUs dont do AI, physics(not yet atleaset), sound and what ever they plan to put on the cores. have you seen the multi thread test valve did? I doubt a dual core would be able to handle all of that and not have performance issues. A quad core however would allow for all of that to have its own core and should increase performance due to the CPU bottleneck removed/reduced.

As stated, that is becuase of the way Valve is optomizing their multi-threaded code. There are gains to be had with dual cores if you optomize your code for it.