can access hd in linux, but wont boot. Help?


Limp Gawd
Jun 20, 2004
Well Ive already tried a few things so far. Its a laptop hd fyi.
Attempted to do chkdsk/fixmbr, but the drive isnt found through the windows cd. I tried hooking up the hd using a usb adapter, but it doesnt get picked up. Tried connecting via ide adapter to have windows repair on startup, but it doesnt get picked up(not sure if adapter even works).

Is there anythink left to try?

I can see all my files in knoppix, but before i do I get a message that says: "Warning: Dirty volume mount was forced by the 'force' mount option.

Thanks everyone
yes. I should have mentioned that I get a error tha tells me to replace system32/l_intl.nls after a series of white bars move horizontally across the screen. I am not able to do so with the recovery CD, because it will not recognize any windows directories.

In linux though, I am not able to delete this file. I am able to delete other files in the Windows folder (ex. temp)

What would I need to do for the windows CD to recognize the directory?
Well Ive already tried a few things so far. Its a laptop hd fyi.
Attempted to do chkdsk/fixmbr, but the drive isnt found through the windows cd. I tried hooking up the hd using a usb adapter, but it doesnt get picked up. Tried connecting via ide adapter to have windows repair on startup, but it doesnt get picked up(not sure if adapter even works).

Is there anythink left to try?

I can see all my files in knoppix, but before i do I get a message that says: "Warning: Dirty volume mount was forced by the 'force' mount option.

Thanks everyone

what are you trying todo
what did you do that makes you think you need todo a fixmbr
what is the layout of the HD
If you can see drives in Linux but not Windows, it's a fair indication that you formatted your drive in a non-Windows partition, such as ReiserFS, ext3, and so on.

You will need to convert your partition to FAT32 or NTFS if you wish both Linux and Windows to see your drives.

Edit: I should also add that NTFS requires an Linux NTFS reader installed in order for you to use it, but I might be wrong. It's been about a year since I used Linux, so I don't know if Linux supports NTFS natively yet or not.
Edit: I should also add that NTFS requires an Linux NTFS reader installed in order for you to use it, but I might be wrong. It's been about a year since I used Linux, so I don't know if Linux supports NTFS natively yet or not.

Linux has excellent ntfs support through the userspace filsystem ntfs-3g..
in a debian based system (eg. Ubuntu)
sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g
sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/hda1 /path/to/mount
I am sure the HD is formatted in ntfs.

Is there any way to completely replace all the files in the system32 folder?

When I tried to delete the bad file (according to windows), I would get "input/output" error