Can a driver cause a pixel to come in and out?

I doubt it, if it was something more widespread I might think it was maybe video/driver related problems, but it sounds like you just have a 'defective' monitor. Defective is in quotes because it is quite common for dead pixels to occur.

/btw... what does this have to do with Apple forum?
it's an apple monitor ACD 23' connected to a PC "lol"

Do you happen to know Apple's pixel policy I couldn't find it on the web
I dont, but seeing how much you paid for that display you would be perfectly justified in getting a replacement. This is suprising, because I have heard that apple is more rigorous in testing for dead pixels... always exceptions I guess :(

Keep us posted.
Short answer, no. You would have to have a program that is specifically written for your video card/LCD/OS combination to even begin to have enough control to affect 1 pixel. Since LCD technology is an adaptation of older VGA standards and protocals, there really is no method for accessing only one specific "pixel" of a screen since CRTs have a ray gun that hits the entire screen and can't be aimed at a specific point.

It sounds like one of the transistors for that pixel either has a bad connection or is failing.

Little background: Each pixel of an LCD has a transister for its three states. One for Red, Green and Blue. Black doesn't have one as it simply means all three are off, White is the opposite, they're all on. If you have a pixel that's stuck on a specific color, that means one or more of the transistors are bad. If it's dead period, it means all three are bad or simply don't have a connection. The native resolution in an LCD is how many pixels it has. Mine have 1280x1024 native. So there's 1280 * 1024 or 1,310,720 pixels total. Now since each of these pixels has three transistors that control its state that's 3,932,160 transistors. Most manufacturers require a minimum of 4 (some have raised this to 8) before they'll accept the screen as defective. Given the odds, having one pixel that has a bad transistor out of that many is pretty damn good. Yeah I know it sucks paying a lot of money for a screen and having a faulty spot but it's one of the reasons why LCDs are still pricy.
Tell me if I'm being to picky, the pixel has finaly gone out (solid black now) it's in the upper right hand corner right on the edge. Should I return it or just accept the fact tha LCD's are not perfect. First time LCD user sorry if I'm asking dumb questions.

if it were my display, i would bitch to no end until apple replaced it. i have NEVER seen a dead pixel on an apple display, so if i bought one for home and it had a dead pixel, i dont care where it was, i would try my best to get it replaced. you paid that much for it, so its really up to you if your investment is worth it or not.
If it were some no-name 15" LCD, I'd say just live with it. As it is, instead, a very expensive 23" amazing display, I'd be very polite, but very persistent, as it is most certainly defective.
Thanks folks I agree the display cost me $2000, should i take it back to the local store i purchased it from? Or, should i call apple?
war_child said:
Thanks folks I agree the display cost me $2000, should i take it back to the local store i purchased it from? Or, should i call apple?

I'd call the local store first, just because it might just save you the hassle of RMA (read: weeks w/o monitor possibly! :confused: ) If they know what they're doing, they'll just give you a new one. If not, bitch and moan and they might do it anyway :p
definately call first, and if they say they will replace it with no problems, GET A NAME AND AN EMPLOYEE ID if applicable. i doubt youd have problems with apple stores, but ive been burned several times by people saying "oh yeah its ok just bring it in" and i do then everyone is like "wtf? no we didnt tell you to do that." but like i said, you shouldnt have a problem with apple.
first sorry to hear about the pixel and yes they can just go out and drivers won't have anything to do with it....if you bought it from Apple Computer or Apple Retail Store then you will be calling Apple...if you bought from a reseller (CompUSA, Best Buy, etc.) then you need to go back to them as you will be dealing with THEIR return policy and not Apple' for the Apple policy on pixel anomolies I will let you know that there has to be a certain number out before it will be replaced and you will have to take to an authorized service provider or send in to the service depot (2 weeks) and have it evaluated to see if it qualifies...don't ask since I don't know what the number are but that would be the process but the short answer is if we are talking about 1 it probably won't happen