Can 2 Geforce GTX 980s in SLI run 1 3440x1440 34" Monitor & 2 2560x1440 27" Monitors?


Jun 7, 2004
Hi All

Forgive me if this has been asked & answered but the title is the question.

I'm looking to use a Dell U3415W 3440 x 1440 as the center monitor & possibly 2 DellU2715 H 2560 x 1440 monitors or 2 other 2560 x 1440 monitors with slim bezels as the side monitors as i'm a huge flight sim guy. My system specs are in my sig. Would they be enough to run the three aforementioned monitors?

All help provided is greatly appreciated
actually only AMD support mixed resolutions surround..
Personally, I think a 4K curved TV would be the route i'd take for a flight sim set-up. I'm not sure even 4 GPU's could handle the amount of power required for 8560x1440. You also wouldn't need to change your GPU's... maybe add one GTX 980.

I scored a 50" Vizio P series 4K TV that does 2160p @ 60Hz for $750. They are on Amazon for $800 free shipping at the moment. It's not curved though.
I'm not sure even 4 GPU's could handle the amount of power required for 8560x1440.

It is very game dependent for those kind of resolutions. For example before I do my upgrade soon my old 1gb radeon 5870 can push guild wars 2 at medium-low settings at 7680x1440.

Gw2 is very CPU dependent but still plenty of games like that. If it is BF4, Metro last light, or like arma 3 is going to be rough even with 4 GPUs.
For what it's worth, I am running Elite: Dangerous across 4 monitors of varying sizes on one geforce 970. I have the monitors all set up as windows extended desktops. Not using nvsurround. The monitors are 2 x 1600x1200 , 1 x 1920x1200, and 1 x 2560 x 1440. I went in to the nvidia control panel and created a bogus monitor resolution for the primary display (the 19x12 one) of 7680x1200. That custom resolution obviously does not work if I try to set a monitor to it. But that does put that resolution into the list of screen sizes that Elite: Dangerous supports. I then run ED in a window, and drag that window such that it spans all 4 screens. The 1440p screen does have windows desktop visible on the top and bottom.

E: D handles that at maxed out settings and stays between 30 and 60 fps. Most times it's pegged at 60.

It's a 180 degree view. Really screwy fisheye like perspective though at the outer edges, but it'll hold me until I decide on an Oculus Rift or not.
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Hi All

My thanks to Spun Ducky & Jedigeoge for your feedback/replies. I'm researching what options are available & appreciate all the help I've received. Once I make a decision i will post in this threat. Again. my thanks to all.