Camera Removal from M18x

I've replaced the LCD lid on one before and I was able to access the camera from there if I wanted to. You'll need to remove the LCD assembly from the chassis first to access the screws holding the plastic cover in place.



Mr Fox over at NBR can explain it better :)

"It's super-easy to change the lid. Once the LCD assembly is separated from the chassis base, there are two screws holding the plastic cover in place. These are between the hinges and are not visible when the laptop is assembled. With the plastic cover removed from the back, there are two more screws to take out that attach the cover to the LCD panel assembly. You then slide the lid away from the hinges a little more than 1/8" and it lifts off. There is a plastic "track" glued to the inside of the cover that has notches. Those notches align with tabs on the LCD panel assembly and they slide-lock together. Here are some photos to illustrate what I am referring to. (I took them when I was installing parts for my custom paint job and your post provided the perfect opportunity to share them.)"