Calling out 184OZ - Mini n00b Race!

Well you guys will see a production dip on my ppd this weekend and probably next week as well because I'll be getting my watercooling stuff in tomorrow. My XP-M will most likely run thru saturday morning then I'll be taking her down for some case modding and WC installation stuff. My 1.4 tbird will be down for about a half hour as well so I can transfer my old HSF from the XP-M to the tbird and hopefully allow me some OC action on that chip. But don't you worry, the XP-M will come back with a venegence, hopefully running at at least 2.5ghz, maybe more since heat was really my biggest enemy on the overclock. Its temps skyrocket when you start applying more than 1.6vcore. The XP-M is freaking sweet though, going from 2.3 this summer to 2.4 now shaved about 1:15 off of the 600 gromacs frames. If I can get them to 30 mins a frame that would just be sick! :eek:

Now that I think about it, Sevenpants how fast is the X2 on 600point frames?
I'm at work now and can't remember exactly, but I'm pretty sure the X2 can finish a frame on the 600pt units in 26-28 minutes. And it can do two of those at once.
Maybe you guys can help me, I know there is a hardware forum, but frankly I don't want to be refered to as a n00b today.

Anyway, this new board. nVidia 250 chipset. Only has 2 DIMM slots, no biggy, but the bios and windows only show my 512mb (PC3200) stick and ignore the 256 (PC2700). If I switch them around it sees the 256 and not the 512.

Funny thing is, I run CPU-Z and it sees both. It's like one is disabled or something. Any ideas. I know they are different speeds, but that's never hurt anything in the past and I know that this PC2700 stick can run at 3200 (did it for at least a year). Ideas?

Fold on people! For tuxedoedShrimp

I would wager a guess that since you have different speeds on the ram that its causing problems. Have you tried each stick in the machine by itself in each slot? I personally would just go grab another 512meg PC3200 stick if you can, they aren't too expensive anymore. Or sell both sticks on the FS/FT sub forum and get a 1gig stick. If you can find another 512 pc3200 stick to borrow that would be the easiest way to find out if both are working.
Oh btw, I got that surprise on wednesday chile, its a 3.2ghz P4 with a gig of ram, all in a nice extra small dell case that sits behind the monitor. I got it that afternoon and now is about the first time I've had to tell you all about it. I didn't have much time to set it up, only got firefox and folding setup on it! The new 5.04 beta console is sweet for setting up for QMD cores. No registry edits or anything else required now.

Man for the moment, you've got my ass kicked, and Aratech is about to roll over me.

Each stick (seperately) works perfectly in the machine. And I have it OCing the 333 to 400 (CPU-Z sees it, BIOS/Windows doesn't). I might just try and get a gig, I'm currently having to use the page file all the time, guess I was too used to a gig on the old setup.

OCed the 3700+ CPU from 2.4 to 2.52, not bad for a cheap mobo and a clawhammer chip. 600pter 320+PPD

Fold on people! For tuxedoedShrimp

chileman said:
Man for the moment, you've got my ass kicked, and Aratech is about to roll over me.

I never thought I'd leave last place since I started so late. Good luck getting that 3700+ going. It will probably mean the end of me. :p
Congrats to sevenpants, he'll most likely win our race today or early tomorrow morning. I'm still trucking for second!
Thank you, thank you. :D

Now that this race is over, anyone want to help me win my other race over here? If I can't up my production pretty quick, I think I'm gonna get rocked.
Nice Job Mr Sevenpants. It was a good race. Hope I can catch Darkism before he hits 100,000.

I'll be organizing a new race soon. Probably for people around my stats. Anyone interest?

Fold on people! For tuxedoedShrimp

Mmmm....shrimp dust!

Nice pass and great race. Grats, man!

I tried to hang on as long as I could, but my poor 2 box farm just couldn't keep up.
