Calling all UV people!


Limp Gawd
Oct 5, 2004
I plan on going hardcore UV with this one, but is too much glow a bad thing? I'm gonna take a antec super (de duper) lanboy and spraypaint most of the inside with Blue UV. Then I want to go and put green UV covers on the cords. But I've just been figureing (I do it too often, it makes my head hurt), if I got hardcore UV and stuff, will I be able to show off my kickass junk, or will that just be black area in between all the glowy stuff? I've seen motherboards and graphics cards done by LeeDaModder (I think it would be just what I need, verry awsome I think) with a flouresent pen, but when I tried a little practice on a distroyed xbox (if you don't ask what happened, I won't tell :rolleyes: ), and I sucked pretty bad. Is there some sort of obvious trick to that I'm missing? or do I just suck.

oh, also, do you think drawing all over it with a pen would void warranty? after I type it I realize what a stupid question that was. *note to self, delete that later*.
kubalaTF said:
but is too much glow a bad thing?

not if you smoke a lot of pot :D

Is there some sort of obvious trick to that I'm missing? or do I just suck.

you just suck :D

But in all seriousness, "too much" glow usually means a bad thing. If you're saying what you want to do is too much, then you shouldn't have to ask that question. I personally don't really care for a lot of UV stuff, but some people think its the balls.

If it were me, here's what I'd do...don't spray the entire inside with blue UV...I would use various UV colors (they make what, blue, red, and green don't they? never really checked) and do an actual design on the inside. this way, its not over-the-top-killing-your-eyes-neon blue coming from the inside of the case. The green sleeving would be fine i think.

As for the pens, some people have talent for drawing on junk and some people don't. I myself am one of those that doesn't. I've never tried it so I can't give an exact answer, but I doubt there is any trick other than having a steady hand and know what you want to do beforehand (like take a pic of the card, draw on it in photoshop, print it out as reference).

Here's another cool uv idea I just thought of...etch the window and then spray the uv junk in the etching (not the rest of the window though) and edgelight it with some OV lighting...has the possibility to look pretty cool if done well...

well that's all for me, I've been workin outside all day and can't think properly tonight.
uv lights give off an purple/blue glow so your parts will also be seen but the uv stuff glows.
I think that UV looks best with glow that is intermittent, and not all encompassing. I like it when you can see little details of UV, not big blocks of UV. An examples of what I mean. This is my own case, and I would implor you to ignore the cabling, I know its messy and I'm going to work on it over Christmas. My case. I agree with you that Lee the Modder did a fantastic job (better than me), though.
Fezdog192 said:
I think that UV looks best with glow that is intermittent, and not all encompassing. I like it when you can see little details of UV, not big blocks of UV. An examples of what I mean. This is my own case, and I would implor you to ignore the cabling, I know its messy and I'm going to work on it over Christmas. My case. I agree with you that Lee the Modder did a fantastic job (better than me), though.

I see you use UV and the red tubes, but don't they cancel each other out? and what kind of pens do you use?
The red and UV lights on my case are controled by the 2 switches I put in the front 3.5 bay covers. That way I can control the lighting based on my mood. ;) For my case, I just used some water based UV paint (MAKE SURE YOU LET IT DRY) that I bought at a novelty store (Spencers). As mentioned in Lee the modders thread he used BIC Gel Intensity pens. I think the pens would be a better idea. The paint tends to flake off if you're not careful about it, and then it just looks nasty. Good luck! :D
I thought Lee said that the pens tend to smear/wipe off. I don't know how he did so well without it messing up in that case.
Fezdog192 said:
The red and UV lights on my case are controled by the 2 switches I put in the front 3.5 bay covers. That way I can control the lighting based on my mood. ;) For my case, I just used some water based UV paint (MAKE SURE YOU LET IT DRY) that I bought at a novelty store (Spencers). As mentioned in Lee the modders thread he used BIC Gel Intensity pens. I think the pens would be a better idea. The paint tends to flake off if you're not careful about it, and then it just looks nasty. Good luck! :D

why not use a can of spraypaint clearcoat to keep things from chipping/smearing depending on what you use?
Well, because it comes off easily, if it ever dies by itself and through no fault of my own, I could still return it under warrenty after I removed the paint. It would be a pain to remove clearcoat.