Call Of Juarez: Bound in Blood Released

Hey all,
First post here.

I wanted to share this game, which I worked on along with a small team.
It's a Flash minigame to promote Call of Juarez:Bound in Blood :D

It's realtime 1 on 1 online multiplayer chicken racing. Lots of blood, ranking board, hopefully a bit of fun :)

I hope this post is allowed - Don't want it to be seen as's a Flash game, that's 100% on topic, and built soley to entertain Call of Juarez fans.


edit: I would like to post this to Flash games forum too. Sorta belongs both places. Would it be considered double-posting to start a proper thread about the game over there?
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Takes a while to master it :)

The trick is don't over-shoot. line it up, steady shots.

If you can beat the CPU, you can beat 75% of players online I find.
haha what a cool game and yeah i killed chicken too first game online.
Hmm. There is some very, very, light aim-assistance in the game, even when playing with a mouse and keyboard. Unless there is a setting to turn it off that I managed to miss. It isn't bad, I only noticed by accident and then I started looking for it.

Game runs very well. Everything maxed out at 1920x1200 and FRAPS reports the frame-rate as constantly above 70. Game doesn't look bad either.
I got it on steam but when I try to play it nothing happens.. Tried running it through steam and through the normal directory and still nothing.
man this game is amazing. reminds me of COD4 style presentation with all the screen shaking from blasts. and all that graphics on DX9 plus such a smooth framerate. says something about how good chrome 4 engine is.
I am buying it over steam right now!!!

I played the first one and i have to say that was one of the most amazing single player games i have ever played.
hows the multiplayer?

The multiplayer is ok, I have only played MP for about a hour, but it was good fun, interesting MP modes, but it takes some getting used to not having an automatic and there aren't all that many servers up so far...
hows the multiplayer?

Haven't tried yet tbh. I'm still finishing single player campaign using Ray. Afterwards I plan to run through the game again using Thomas. They both have different play styles and mechanics.
My 20in Samsung died yesterday.. So I went shopping, and bought a 23in widescreen LCD and this game. I have it maxed out @ 1920x1080 and it looks really nice, and has smooth fps.. I'm only an hour in, so back to the game! :D
just finished the game as thomas.. i have to admit i really enjoyed the singleplayer story and plan on playing again through as ray.. though its not really my playstyle.. i do enjoy the fact they made the game adaptive to different players styles.. ex. someone who likes using rifles/sniper vs more pistol/blow em up ... i havent played multi yet but the game modes look fun as hell! i give it 9/10
The single-player game is kind of short. I beat it in 5 hours. It was a good game, though. The multiplayer should help extend the game's life.
The single-player game is kind of short. I beat it in 5 hours. It was a good game, though. The multiplayer should help extend the game's life.

They just announced some single-player DLC too. Did you do all of the side missions?
They just announced some single-player DLC too. Did you do all of the side missions?

I did all the sidemissions (6 in all I think) and it took me just under 7 hours to finish the game on the "easy setting" (I know, but I want the story primarily), I guess it will take me a little longer to finish on medium... :)
Its fun so far but it takes a while to get used to the fact that the crosshairs have auto aim, havent tried turning it off yet.
I got it on steam but when I try to play it nothing happens.. Tried running it through steam and through the normal directory and still nothing.

Win7? You need to use vista sp2 compat mode with theme and another suppression just below it selected.
Win7? You need to use vista sp2 compat mode with theme and another suppression just below it selected.

I didn't have to do this. Windows 7 RC (Build 7100) on my sig rig plays CoJ BiB marvelously. With everything maxed out at 1920x1200 its smooth as butter. Haven't do any objective benchmarking but it runs so well that I haven't bothered.
Win7? You need to use vista sp2 compat mode with theme and another suppression just below it selected.

I got it to run otherwise, it seems a DLL was placed in the wrong spot on install, I found it and placed it in the game Dir and it runs fine now.
I didn't have to do this. Windows 7 RC (Build 7100) on my sig rig plays CoJ BiB marvelously. With everything maxed out at 1920x1200 its smooth as butter. Haven't do any objective benchmarking but it runs so well that I haven't bothered.

I had to as it would go past the ubi screen and just stay black. Compat mode fixed that instantly.

Shrug, probably just a config bug but I don't care at this point.
I had to as it would go past the ubi screen and just stay black. Compat mode fixed that instantly.

Shrug, probably just a config bug but I don't care at this point.

Probably an outdated driver you have installed - (check NIC and sound drivers, WU in 7 will install stuff from 2006, make sure you install current drivers for everything in 7). I didn't have to use any compat mode either, runs great here in Seven.
I guess a lot of people are having the same issue, not only did my game not work "out of box" but now after finding a way to get it to work BY MYSELF I can't play MP... ugh, way to go Ubisoft
Graphics aren't bad for the PC but still no Crysis.
I just started playing the single player and find it to be pretty good -- not great. The voice acting, cut-scenes, and story aren't very good at all (and insanely predictable), but then again I didn't expect much.

Gunplay is pretty good, satisfying, but am I the only that feels like there are too many breaks in play? i.e. cut-scenes or loading screens?

Anywho, seems better than the first.
I'm embarassed to admit this but I'm stuck pretty early in the game. The area where you have to use the cannon to hit the Union soldiers coming at you via the river? I aim a little high and I just get overwhelmed and can't get it done.

EDIT: Beat it. Whew! Timing and aim.
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I'm embarassed to admit this but I'm stuck pretty early in the game. The area where you have to use the cannon to hit the Union soldiers coming at you via the river? I aim a little high and I just get overwhelmed and can't get it done.

EDIT: Beat it. Whew! Timing and aim.

Yeah, those cannon balls have way too much bullet drop.
Both COJ games are kickass
some of the best gaming in the last 2-3 years
as good as HL2 or FarCry/Crysis series but in different ways
Just finished this game. If one word could describe the originality of these games, it would be "emotional".

I was one of the few people that really appreciated and loved the first game, even the Billy missions. His exploration levels were not meant to be puzzles, they were meant for you to bask in the atmosphere. The best stages were the one where you had to hunt rabbits. The other one was when you had to steal a horse from the old man and started to fight a group of Indians over a valley. The scenery is absolutely breathtaking. No need to super monsters or aliens flying all over the place, just relax and enjoy the music, and the sound of birds flying above you in the trees.

I played the shit out of the first game, even managed to "screw up" a lot of the 1 on 1 duel battles by throwing in furniture (chairs, tables, pieces of wood) into the "duel" area and lighting them up with a torch just before I enter the fight. The enemies would burn to death before the count down would even finish. The first game was a true PC game, it gave you a lot of freedom on how you want to progress, even though the game was very linear. You could pick up almost any object and throw them. I was even able to climb into Juarez's "mansion" by painstakingly stacking 50+ boxes and climbing up onto them and shooting the AIs who were waiting inside in the back of their heads. In BiB they really did their best to consolenize the game, you had less freedom and a lot of details such as picking up almost any random object, was taken out for the sake of speed.

After playing the COJ games, I can see how so many other FPSes don't take enough risks in telling more original and heartfelt stories. Even HL2 and its episodes did not feel as "genuine" as COJ. I loved how BiB ties up with the first game so nicely. Even though a lot of tiny details could have been improved, things could have been fixed up better, etc etc, the story of these games is so good that I can overlook all its flaws and feel attached to them as a whole. I really applaud Techland for their efforts. It's very easy to come up with a sci-fi game, you can get away with whatever you want to make up. It's much harder to make a game like COJ where you need capture the right feeling and tone. You have to be more historically authentic and relevant, you can't just use aliens or monsters as your threats.

The only question would now be, who is Billy's real father? Or is this something up to us to interpret?
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Just finished this game. If one word could describe the originality of these games, it would be "emotional".

I was one of the few people that really appreciated and loved the first game, even the Billy missions. His exploration levels were not meant to be puzzles, they were meant for you to bask in the atmosphere. The best stages were the one where you had to hunt rabbits. The other one was when you had to steal a horse from the old man and started to fight a group of Indians over a valley. The scenery is absolutely breathtaking. No need to super monsters or aliens flying all over the place, just relax and enjoy the music, and the sound of birds flying above you in the trees.

I played the shit out of the first game, even managed to "screw up" a lot of the 1 on 1 duel battles by throwing in furniture (chairs, tables, pieces of wood) into the "duel" area and lighting them up with a torch just before I enter the fight. The enemies would burn to death before the count down would even finish. The first game was a true PC game, it gave you a lot of freedom on how you want to progress, even though the game was very linear. You could pick up almost any object and throw them. I was even able to climb into Juarez's "mansion" by painstakingly stacking 50+ boxes and climbing up onto them and shooting the AIs who were waiting inside in the back of their heads. In BiB they really did their best to consolenize the game, you had less freedom and a lot of details such as picking up almost any random object, was taken out for the sake of speed.

After playing the COJ games, I can see how so many other FPSes don't take enough risks in telling more original and heartfelt stories. Even HL2 and its episodes did not feel as "genuine" as COJ. I loved how BiB ties up with the first game so nicely. Even though a lot of tiny details could have been improved, things could have been fixed up better, etc etc, the story of these games is so good that I can overlook all its flaws and feel attached to them as a whole. I really applaud Techland for their efforts. It's very easy to come up with a sci-fi game, you can get away with whatever you want to make up. It's much harder to make a game like COJ where you need capture the right feeling and tone. You have to be more historically authentic and relevant, you can't just use aliens or monsters as your threats.

The only question would now be, who is Billy's real father? Or is this something up to us to interpret?


Frankly, both games have their share of flaws but I really just love what they bring to the table all told and I hope there is a third game some day.