California Legalizes Hands-Free Texting While Driving

Right, because you're not distracted while trying to drink from a soda cup. And are you really trying to say that is safer at 75MPH?! You still have to show that your act of drinking beverage while driving is less distracting than voice texting. Whatever, live in your fairy tale land of everything you do while driving is safe while voice texting is the cause of all major accidents.

what is it with you and drinking a soda?

You do know that it takes a little thought to compose a message, while taking a sip from your soda does not.
The fuck you talking about? Where did I say I'm better than you or anybody else? You're the one who started ranting and telling others to, and I quote, "... SHUT THE FUCK UP!" If you're going to act like the big dog in the park you better be able to back your shit up.

Oh, and you still haven't answered my question, "Voice texting I never have to take my hands off the steering wheel or look away from the road. NEVER. Drinking soda, you have to take at least one hand off the steering wheel, HOW THE FUCK IS THAT SAFER?!"

Actually you have to take one hand off the steering wheel to drive any car with a proper transmission.
With phone technology advancing rapidly, it won't be long before I can hands-free play World of Warcraft on my phone. If I can suction cup mount it to my front windshield right above the steering wheel where it's easy to see (though I'd totally prefer at a 5 to 7 inch screen tablet so I can see what's happening better), I can keep raiding while I'm on my way to work or when I'm coming home with it being legal for me. My guild would probably really be grateful of that kinda tech and this law is the beginning of WoW players everywhere getting recognized for engaging in more serious recreation the deserves legal permission. If Cali can vote more hardcore WoW players into positions of power, hand-free World of Warcraft will become a reality and since I'm not using my hands, I won't be distracted.