C2D e6400 + ECS mobo $199 @Fry's


Limp Gawd
Aug 3, 2006
It's the ECS P4M800PRO-M V2 that it comes with, which is decidedly underwhelming in a lot of respects, but considering that pricewatch is showing $217 as the lowest price for the e6400 on it's own, that's highly tempting. They've got the e6400 and e6600 with Intel boards at $330 and $430, too, but those prices are more in line with what one would normally expect for the combinations.

Oh, and $20 for a 2Gb SD card, AR. Some interesting Halloween deals going on, and I'm in San Diego, so I only get the lowly four page weekend ad.

By the way, does anyone know if you can go to Fry's, get one of these deals, like the $199 e6400 combo, and return the motherboard? Even for store credit (saying it was a gift or some such)? Just wondering.

EDIT: Included the newegg link to the board, in case anyone was wondering the specs. As I said, decidedly underwhelming, but free.
silentcoercion said:
By the way, does anyone know if you can go to Fry's, get one of these deals, like the $199 e6400 combo, and return the motherboard? Even for store credit (saying it was a gift or some such)? Just wondering.

There was some discussion about this last time Fry's had a MB/CPU combo deal and the general consensus was that you used to be able to but that you can't anymore as they are recorded as a combo on your receipt. At least anecdotally, I can say that for the last combo I bought there (the Sempron 3100 deal) that was certainly the case but YMMV
Hrm. And no exchanges even if I leave it unopened, and don't present a receipt (thus my pondering saying it was a gift)? I've never tried to return or exchange anything at Fry's, and checking their website doesn't help with B&M store policies.
To hell with it, it's a great deal nonetheless just sell the ecs here or on ebay and pull in an easy 40
just an fyi (i just bought this cpu/mobo today),

The mobo is agp 8x. All in all it's still a great deal though, just going to have to trade in the mobo for a pcie and i'm set! :D

edit: for noobiness. :p
F***ing sweet?!

ok, moving forward. I've delt with fry's before on the issue of trying to return just the motherboard and have been successful only in bending their rules because im a "customer sat(isfaction) issue". I've worked retail at a computer store for awhile so i have a little insight on complaining i guess.

over all though, i've been denied almost every time I asked to exchange the motherboard and actually remember to bring your processor with you, because I've had them (what they consider legitimately) demand I have the proc with me to get my mobo swapped for just a working one of the same model.

If Fry's didn't have these loss leaders I would spit on their reputation thou imo, they treat me like crap in general. I feel like being a 19 yr old male makes them almost ignore me when it comes to satisfaction, where as my dad (a disabled veteran and tempermental guy) keeps their backs straight.

2 cents

*btw, i bit*
*ecs resale ftw*
This is one hot deal. CPU + Mobo for less that retail CPU alone = HOT. Besides its Frys and legit. :D Now where did I leave my wallet?
Hrm, reselling isn't a bad idea at all. Thanks for the input on exchanging, by the way, guys.

Oh, and I edited the first post to include a link to the specs on the board, because I suppose I really should've mentioned the whole AGP thing (and perhaps the two RAM slots, being a cheap mATX board).
Oh snaps!

For those of you wondering about whether or not you can return the motherboard only, I think you can now! I'm looking at the receipt from the mobo/processor combo (this deal) i purchased today and it shows the motherboard and cpu as two separate items! The CPU shows up as $159.99 while the motherboard shows up as $39.99. :D

I'm going to my local Frys tommorow to return it and will get back to you guys on this. :)
kingj said:
Oh snaps!

For those of you wondering about whether or not you can return the motherboard only, I think you can now! I'm looking at the receipt from the mobo/processor combo (this deal) i purchased today and it shows the motherboard and cpu as two separate items! The CPU shows up as $159.99 while the motherboard shows up as $39.99. :D

I'm going to my local Frys tommorow to return it and will get back to you guys on this. :)

That would make the 40 minute drive to Fry's worth it. Definitely let us know.
just came back from fry's. You don't have to get the e6400 bundled with the ecs MB. I got the e6300 with the ecs MB for 180. I assume you can do it with high models of the chip.

A good way to get rid of that mobo for some extra cash would be to put it up for auction on eBay. If the combo deal is cheaper than any single CPU deal anywhere on the 'Net, then you could only gain from this.
I picked up one of these combos today. For me, the motherboard taking DDR1 and AGP is a plus. I am upgrading my primary machine (Linux box) from a S754 Sempron with an AGP card, so this means I don't have to buy new RAM (which has gotten quite expensive in the last few weeks) or a new gfx card right now. They had the E6300 + same motherboard advertised at $169.99 today too.

Plus it's cheaper than you can get the CPU alone anywhere else, so how can you lose?
I got a deal on my x2 3800 as a frys combo, I tried to just take back the motherboard but its a combo. :(

No Frys anywhere near....

anyways, what kind of jump would I get keeping my x850XT, pc3200, and just switching my 3.4 prescott for this CPU/Mobo?

VERY tempting.... don't suppose anyone would go grab me one eh?
the receipt's on my friend's credit card so i can't return it myself, does anyone who have the receipt that shows each item as separate (mobo + cpu) manage to return just the mobo for $39.99?
Got the combo today and the reciept did show the items as seperate BUT a combo thing was above both of them.
man that's a nice deal for the budget builders say the $200 combo witha a 6400 and a agp mb. you could pick up that x850tx-pe from Dell for $89 in agp ?--killer budget system .

what would be perfect but you'll not likely see it it this combo with the asrock-dula vista instead of the ECS m-atx. :cool:
that deal is over but that same combo has come on with 6300/6400 and that mobo for last 2 and half weeks or so. will probably pop up again this Friday-Tues specials or the Wed-Thurs we will see
make sure you pick up that free-after rebate ultra PSU while your shopping frys too ! LOL

that way you'll get to test out the ECS RMA process--LOL :cool:

i think i;ll pung mine into the old k-6-2 !-LOL
JSF35rhino said:
make sure you pick up that free-after rebate ultra PSU while your shopping frys too ! LOL

that way you'll get to test out the ECS RMA process--LOL
LOL! Good one.
*cue the defend-Ultra-PSUs army*

I might check out my Fry's later today on lunch...I scored on the $36 Opteron deal, so if I can sell that off and return the ECS board, I could end up with an E6400 for $36. :cool:
the E6300 + ECS P4M800Pro-M V2 combo back today friday for 169.98, it is not the e6400 this time though but still nice
etjr said:
the E6300 + ECS P4M800Pro-M V2 combo back today friday for 169.98, it is not the e6400 this time though but still nice

yea--that's a good deal--i wish there was a fry's near by--
lol send me money and cover shipping fees plus a 10 fee for me drivin an hour to the local fry's and i'll do it. :D let's see that's an additional 20 so 190 for an e6300 and mobo.:p that's not worth it anymore then... haha.

i dont see the ad in the sanjose mercury newspaper... maybe you're in a different region... i'm in portland, but i rely on that one because the oregonian here doesnt post their ads online.
I went to a Frys last week but didnt see this advertised. Who do i have to ask for this combo?
their regular price ain't bad-- they got the 6300 for $175 shipped for the retail .

not as good as the OEM the other day for $153 but still pretty good overall. :cool:
chemist_slime said:
The deal ended tuesday.

Yeah I know that. When it was still officially "on" i went to Frys to buy something else but i never saw this advertised.
the ads are different depending on region http://www.frys-electronics-ads.com/ has ads for Dallas, Houston, LA, San Jose, Chicago areas, i live in Phoenix but seems its the same ad most of the time not always though. In phoenix its an 8page ad every Friday (specials last till Tuesday) {printed in AZ Republic pages F1-F8} so maybe you just don't live in one of the areas where they put it on special? dunno but most probable
FINALLY got a chance to stop by my Frys with the receipt....

Although the receipt shows them as two separate items the customer service guy pointed out on the receipt that they need both the processor and motherboard in order for it to be returned due to the fact that although they're separately listed on the receipt, right between the motherboard and the processor it says something along the lines of "comes with..". So basically if you want to get $ out of the old mobo you can't return it. :mad: