C:\WINDOWS\System32\Tools\DelFolders.exe - Missing

Sep 6, 2005
Hi I get this message with my new installation of Windows XP Home Ed. on a new PC i built for a friend.

Any ideas how i can install the file? Can i copy it off the CD?
The PC is incredibly fragile and has lots of crashes and is a pain to get started. It is also incredibly slow considering it is a top notch system with an AMD X2 4200+.

Any help would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance
Bad memory?

Try running memtest to see if your ram is bad. That might be the cause of the crashes.
The missing file isn't from the Windows installation, it was installed by your motherboard drivers CD. Search that CD for the file.
Thanks for all the suggestions.

Sorry been busy trying to install the graphics drivers. The system wont get into windows with them installed. Grr!