C&C3 love it or hate it ??


Supreme [H]ardness
Nov 13, 2005
this thrusday i got Command&Conquer 3 been playing it today multiplayer
I like the graphics and the action wether the game is balanced or not i dunno
GDI seems over powered but i did win a game with nod so i dunnno
What you do you guys think of C&C3? please post your opinons !
Scrin is overpowered. Especially those stupid warship things that have a RIDICULOUS range. Their range is longer than any of my units, and longer than my AA's range, and they do a reasonably about of damage. Other than that I'm near the end of the gdi campaign, and the game isn't bad.
I love it. It's a very faithful sequel to the original game. I haven't dealt with the Scrin yet, so I can't comment on that.
have you guys played alot of multiplayer. Ive been trying to win with nod
so far ive won 2 games and iam learning there strategies. wheni think the game is unbalance i figure out a new strategy then it doesn't seem so unbalance
but it has been fustrating at times trying to figure out why soem people cuz kickass so fast
It's what generals would have been if they would have based it off of Red Alert. I liked Generals but this brings the best of RA and the best of Generals. My biggest complaint is it seems too zoomed in but otherwise this after just a little gameplay gets a love it from me.
I have to tell you ive *honestly* played every c&c related game once they came out cept the last one since i think it was made by EA and i didnth ave much interest so i could be wrong there.

anyway, i was hesitant about buying it this time since people been raggin on EA and i gotta admit i was nervous about them making the sequel to one of my fav all time game series. but, i have to give them props, i bought it after reading comments on here and ive started to really enjoy it.

each team seems like a lot of fun so far in different ways and theres a lot to know, i just hope they will put out some more multi player maps with some more buildings and other cool shit like that. single player is also awesome.

My only grief right now is crashing each time i go to multiplayer lobbies after about 20 seconds. pretty tough to play with my friends!

two thumbs up from me though since that will get fixxed eventually i imagine.
The only RTSs i've ever played were war2, war3 (didnt like at all) and starcraft. this game reminds me of a mix between war2 and sc, which are the best RTSs ever made. C&C3 is cool with me.

I do wish the camera was pulled out a little more and the maps were designed to always have your refinery facing the tiberium.
First RTS ive truly enjoyed since Starcraft.

I like it because it simple, no waiting 10 minutes for tanks to build or micromanaging resource management. You crank out the units, and go kick ass.
Decent game, decent acting, graphics and gameplay.
First game that came out this year that i actually enjoyed playing. and yes i have SC and Stalker.
The game is excellent. The only thing is it seems to me that GDI is a bit overpowered in multiplayer.
It's fun but the online is totally shot. I simply can not get into an online game and I know I'm not the only one. They better be working their asses off to get the game fixed.
First RTS ive truly enjoyed since Starcraft.

I like it because it simple, no waiting 10 minutes for tanks to build or micromanaging resource management. You crank out the units, and go kick ass.

That's what I've always liked about the C&C series. Other games like Age of Empires and Total Anihilation required too much managing of resources for my tastes.
Scrin is overpowered. Especially those stupid warship things that have a RIDICULOUS range. Their range is longer than any of my units, and longer than my AA's range, and they do a reasonably about of damage. Other than that I'm near the end of the gdi campaign, and the game isn't bad.

Agreed. They better address this in a patch. All the scrin units are over powered imho.

I just beat the GDI campaign, it was really enjoyable except one mission against the scrin where they attack in mass with all types of units.
Has anyone played over a LAN yet? I'm in Iraq and the only multiplayer action I'm going to get is face to face. People are complaining about the multiplayer and I'm trying to determine if it's a local issue or just internet based.
Personaly the Scrin are lame.. a mix of zerg/protoss race and tacted on story feel with crappy FMV scenes. The rest of C&C is just grand and awesome.

Multiplayer is buggy right now but i expect that to change in the near future.

I'm also temtped to get this for the 360 cause of the vision cam feature which will be fun with my friends (but annoying and probably offensive using it against strangers)
After changing the keyboard controls to be similar to RA2 i love it except im still adjusting to the mouse click scheme (wish you could change that). Now if i could only pass the damn Croatia mission :p
Personaly the Scrin are lame.. a mix of zerg/protoss race and tacted on story feel with crappy FMV scenes. The rest of C&C is just grand and awesome.

The scrin was mentioned in Fire Storm so it was in Westwood's story all along. As for the FMV my Kane Edition won't arrive till next week so no comments. All I got now is the theatrical trailer's from Youtube.

Is it me or the Ion Cannon in the theatrical trailer seem utterly overpowering? The beam looked like it was going to blast straight through Earth.
The scrin was mentioned in Fire Storm so it was in Westwood's story all along. As for the FMV my Kane Edition won't arrive till next week so no comments. All I got now is the theatrical trailer's from Youtube.

Is it me or the Ion Cannon in the theatrical trailer seem utterly overpowering? The beam looked like it was going to blast straight through Earth.

scrin was in normal tiberian sun too. nod's fighter plane was called the scrinship, wasnt it? And what about the alien object in the final GDI mission in te original game?

anyways, CNC3 is a good game but its just not CNC. Too much "feel" differences for me.
hey i have 2 maps that came with my gamestop preorder
if you guys wanan swap maps like if you preordered from bestbuy or somewhere else
and got game maps we can swap or if you would just like some new maps
i be happy to send them just pm me or whatever
Picked it up and updated to version 1.02. I've been playing a bit of this through the GDI campaign. So far I've been very impressed, graphics are great, and it's got that C&C gameplay going strong. Even the cut-scenes are sweet. They put alot of work and attention into this product and it shows.

I'm hard-of-hearing so I wish that they had subtitles for the movies and other spoken parts of the game. But other than that minor quibble I've been having a blast with this game.
I love it!

I've bought the Kane Edit and have seen the bonus dvd. You have a lot of combos and I think the balance of the units is right!

The only thing what I didn't like was that after my registration for MP I tried to log in and after the first log in I was out of the game and back in windows :(

For me is this c&c the best since the old c&c3 :)
ya multiplayer is buggy as hell it always stops working or somethign
i tried transfering maps to other pplayers and it crashed lol
Are fan-bois of the series allowed to voice their opinions, if so i love it.

Tbh it feels more like cnc than generals did, just wish i could zoom out more.
Nod need a lil bit more love, and multiplayer played ok until it crashed out.

Glad to have the side bar back.

All in all this was an ok buy, still play ra2 and ts more tho.
Are fan-bois of the series allowed to voice their opinions, if so i love it.

Tbh it feels more like cnc than generals did, just wish i could zoom out more.
Nod need a lil bit more love, and multiplayer played ok until it crashed out.

Glad to have the side bar back.

All in all this was an ok buy, still play ra2 and ts more tho.

I was playing RA2 for quite awhile up til I got CnC3. PM me if you ever wanna scrim against some guys, Im down.
I've been working my way through the GDI campaign and the gameplay really doesn't do it for me. My main interest in the game was the campaign to see all the fun fmv cutscenes which admittedly have been enjoyable, but I just don't find the game engaging. I play through it to get to the next scene.

It's not a bad game. It definitely follows up in the RA2 vein very well and stays true to the feel of the old C&C games, but it just doesn't do it for me now that I've played CoH and SupCom.
Has anyone played over a LAN yet? I'm in Iraq and the only multiplayer action I'm going to get is face to face. People are complaining about the multiplayer and I'm trying to determine if it's a local issue or just internet based.

I've played it on LAN and really enjoyed it. There are balance issues to be sure, but if you know how to leverage the side you choose, it's not really a problem.
I've not played online yet, but here are my Pro's and Con's

* Engaging gameplay and storyline. I find myself actually caring about accomplishing my missions for the GDI, and wiping out the GDI scum while playing for NOD.
* Normal difficulty is just right, not too easy, not too hard.
* The game is just fun

* I stay up to 2am playing this way too often.
JSC450 said:
I do wish the camera was pulled out a little more and the maps were designed to always have your refinery facing the tiberium.

If you hold in the mouse button and move it around when you're placing a building you can rotate the structure. I swear I've told about a hundred people this so far and there's still another person each day who doesn't know.

One of those RTFM things I guess.
I'm only on the 4th map of GDI side, but I can say I love it.

It's a VERY faithful game to the series, and I love how the intensity has been turned up a notch.
I really like it but it seems just a tad too fast. There doesn't seem to enough time to whip up a nice strategy on the fly, at least in single player because the AI keeps spamming out units. The average mission only lasts like 10-20 minutes compared to 30-60 mins in the older games. Tiberian Sun's gameplay was slower and Tiberian Dawn was even slower than that.

That's just a complaint from a diehard C&C junkie, for everyone else it's probably great.

I usually like to do stuff like create a diversion and sneak stealth units into their base. I was a chrono-whore in RA2 :D

The first time I heard that one line from Josh Holloway I couldn't stop giggling. You know what it is :)
So far I love the game. Funny though, now that I have Supreme Commander also I always try to move the camera out to get the "Generl's View" and it feels much more clausterphobic now than it used to in games past. SupCommander has changed the way I want to play RTS games. Other than that I love C&C3 alot!!
I really enjoy the game and the classic gameplay is downright fun. My only complaint is about the corny FMV. I know TS and RA2 FMV was rather ridiculous but i always thought C&C 1 and RA 1 was much more serious. I have always been fasinated with the C&C lore and have established my own theorys of how it all works. I dont mind the addition of the aliens as you would have to be insane not to suspect alien but the corny FMV is kind of a downer considering the impressive actors they signed on.

But other then that i am very impressed with the game. For all the crappy games EA has realeased there is a dimanond in the rough.
I've played every C&C game (and own most of them) and I appreciate how they stayed true to their roots. There's even a statue of Havok from C&C Renegade in one of the early GDI maps

Gameplay wise, I like how fast the games are. I don't like how the game feels unbalanced. Also, I don't like how infantry feels way underpowered - esp when vehicles can be repaired so quickly.

Still on the campaign and have no opinion on the Scrin. As mentioned earlier, that scrin warship thing has ridiculous range and is really tough.
so far blackinches is enjoying the game very much. blackinches also loves the hammy fmv acting. it is funny to see the girl from house md in the game, as she is a much better actor on the tv show. blackinches enjoys the billy dee williams as well.

blackinches can't wait for a red alert 3. blackinches is hoping for another hot tanya.
blackinches should petition to bring back kari wuhrer to red alert
blackinches should petition to bring back kari wuhrer to red alert

Maybe blackinches should petition to get Red Alert 3 rolling. Last I heard Westwood had bought the rights to Red Alert 3, and even the website address.
Love the singleplayer, hate the horribly unbalanced multiplayer which is mostly a tank spam fest. :(

The developers will be releasing the first major balance patch at the end of this month, however. So stay tuned .. I have a feeling things are going to get good.