Buy vs Build your server, let the debate begin

No, I simply prefer to try and be environmentally concious wherever possible. The day all electricity in Germany is produced from renewable non-polluting methods I'm going to go apeshit with nerd-toys.

I'm currently using my old gaming computer as my ESXi server (I have an Asus G73 which replaced it). Between the Core2Quad, GTX285, etc its wasting power and I don't like that, as I do try and be environmentally concious at home (which is why I have the atom based server in the first place).
for those that are building, what are you using? would be good to add to the thread.

any specific barebones
I use mostly standard desktop parts. For hard drives I usually use drive bays where you just slide the drives directly in.

I wish they would make standards for stuff like hot swap power supplies, because I'd use that too.

I hate using proprietary stuff due to the normally high cost, and the fact that years down the line it's harder to buy replacements new. So my home servers are non redundant. Though eventually I just want to look at making my software redundant. For example, using two virtual servers that can fail over VMs. So if one server is out of commission the other takes the slack, no need to worry as much about hardware based redundancy. Of course, both is always good to have. For home, it's not THAT bad if the server goes down. It's annoying for me since I can't do my work, but at least I don't have anyone breathing down my neck to get it back up.