Buy new parts for HTPC or Media server?


Nov 30, 2006
EDIT: Ok so I decided just to leave the HTPC as it is. It works so no real reason to mess with it. Now I just need to figure out my WHS build. This will primarily be used as a media server. Assuming I keep my Ex485 I will leave that for backups for now.

Case: Norco 4020 or 4220
CPU: Intel looking at E5200 or E6300 for $15 more
MOBO: need suggestions with 6 Sata if possible along with on board video and 2xPCIEx4 for controller cards and good gigabit nic unless I go addin card for that also.
RAM: 2x2gb of some sort depending on mobo
PSU: Looking at PCP 750. probably overkill but has plenty of connections and no worries when I get to 20 drives.
Controller Card: AOC-SASLP-MV8. I figure one for now and then I can add a second when I get up to 20 drives.
Cables: whatever I need to make it all work.

Current Specs:
Abit IP35 Pro
C2D E6750 w/stock HSF
2x1GB DDR2 1066
Corsair HX620
Nvidia 7900gs
CM 690
Soundblaster Audigy 2 ZS
2xAvermedia Duet PCIEx1

Right now I am using the above as a Win 7 RC Media Center for quad clearqam tuning and recording. I am currently debating on which would be the better path to take. I need to build a home media server which I plan to house in either the Norco 4020 or 4220. Am I better off moving the Abit IP35 Pro and E6750 to the server or leave it as the HTPC? I figure if I move it to the server I can buy something like the q9550 with the Gigabyte GA-EP45-UD3P for the HTPC. If I leave it as the HTPC I need to figure out what to buy for the server then

I will primarily be using the HTPC as a quad tuner DVR to record clearqam channels. It will also be used for streaming the recorded shows along with my DVD collection, still to be ripped once I build the server, to the 360 over a wired network along with running services like Play on and TVersity. I would like to also use it to transfer shows from my Tivos for backup along with some possible transcoding so that 7MC can stream the shows when needed when Media Center isn't recording..
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Why not use the server to do the recording and let the HTPC do its job of displaying the content? The more that server does the better in my view.
Why not use the server to do the recording and let the HTPC do its job of displaying the content? The more that server does the better in my view.

Because MC doesn't work like that. :rolleyes:

Either way, both his systems (actual and proposed quad core) are total overkill for either an HTPC or server. Want to see an example of a great HTPC?

Anything build from that list would make for a great HTPC system. A server would be a bit different, your current hardware (with a CPU switch) would work.
I figured it might be a little over kill but I am fine with that since I won't need to update it any time soon. Also I figured if I went for quad core on the HTPC it would be quicker when I go to rip my 150+ dvd collection along with when I encode the .tivo files to another format.

My other option which I didn't think about is I also have
Intel Bad Axe 2
SB X-fi
PCP 750 silencer

I could use this for the server and then keep the Abit IP35 Pro with the E6750 in the HTPC. Then I would need to replace my main system though which I was holding off until I really needed to upgrade for a new game or something. I was just trying to avoid that until I really need to make the jump since there isn't a single game I am playing right now and nothing I am really waiting for.