Buy my stuff! Books on A+ , Java ect, computer parts, cologne, ect.


Oct 18, 2003
1: I have a 1997 edition of an A+ book (The Complete A+ Computer Support Professional: A+ Career Pack, the company is Wave Technologies International) that I got from an old friend who was moving away. I paid him for it, but found that I had no use for it. The stuff is mostly up to date, and the books that it comes with are pretty thorough. It comes with 9 books and some CDs and manuals and stuff. It weighs quite a bit and cost 600 dollars when it was new. It is in immaculate condition, as it's never been used before. The books and stuff that it comes with are:

A+ Challenge Resource
PC Dictionary
Navigating DOS and Windows 3.x
Customer Satisfaction
LAN's WAN's and the Internet
PC Technologies
The Complete A+ Study Guide

Also, Getting Started and manuals ect.

I realize that these books are sort of old or whatever, so I'll take $50 plus shipping, since this is a heavy thing. This price is negotiable, it's taking up too much space and it needs to be vacated.

2: Another A+ book, Complete Guide to A+ Certification (Paperback) This book is also another one that I have that I have no use for. It's never even been read, although the CD inside has been used, It is scratch free though. I will take $25 shipped for this

3: Java 2 Book: Sam's Teach Yourself Java 2 in 24 Hours. This book is copyright 2001, so it's not that old. I never got around to reading it and I don't like programming. All my relatives gave me these books and I never wanted to learn about programming. I appreciate the thought, but I really have no use for all this.
I guess $15 shipped (negotiable)

4: One 100% full bottle of Drakkar Noir that I'm trying to get rid of. I don't really like this scent because it's not my style. I've never worn it and it's never been used. It is a 1.7 oz bottle, with a .5 oz smaller size bottle for traveling? It was a gift and I have no use for it. $15 shipped

5: One 100% full bottle (3.4oz) of Gucci Pour Homme. This stuff is a beast. I'm way too young for it and it's way too woody for someone my age. I bought it on a whim and I wore it once and it made me feel older. I guess I'll stick to Envy for my Gucci products. It sells for $62 brand new on nordstrom, so I guess I'll sell it for $40 but negotiable!!!!!!

5: I have an Abit KT7, and on it is an Athlon Thunderbird 900 Mhz. It's an old board but it still works. Comes with a heatsink and fan as well SOLD

If you feel that my prices are terrible, let me know. I have no digital camera either because I'm poor. I'd like to get all of this out of here fast, since I have no use for it.

aim is businesswallet, and [email protected] too.
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