Buy a GTX 660 Ti now or wait for the GTX 760 Ti?


Oct 19, 2011
Hi people,

I sold my 6950 yesterday to order a Nvidia card, mainly because i want to use Adaptive Vsync.
The second reason is that in a few months i'm going travelling for about a year and want to play as many games on my list before i leave :
StarCraft II, The Witcher 2, Metro Last Light, Dragon Age 2, Mass Effect 3, Skyrim, Crysis 3.
I was about to order a 660ti when i read about the new 700 Series.
I read the 760ti would arrive around mid-june, would be around 20-23% faster than a 660Ti and would cost around $299.
I can get a 660ti now for around the same price here in Belgium.

To play the above games, would it be worth to wait or can i comfortably play them and everything that comes out for the next 3-5 months?
I have an i5-2500K with 8 gigs and play @ 1920x1080.

Please shine your wisdom on me :D

i feel the 660ti would be enought @ 1920x1080. But im waiting on selling my 580 on a 7xx. not sure which one yet though
With only 3 weeks or so to wait, I would wait. You can't wait forever of course, but this is really close and even if you do go for a 660 Ti, they should start dropping in price.

The 660Ti is almost identical to the GTX670 except for the memory bus which I think is 192 bits whereas the 670 is 256 bits and it gives about 85%-90% the performance of the 670, the interesting thing is that if you SLI it or tri-SLI it they pretty well much keep pace with a the equivalent SLI or tri-SLI 670's as ordinarily what would normally happen with weaker cards is that performance would drop off much quicker as you start increasing the resolutions or quality, some examples should suffice.,25.html

Its only at extreme resolutions like 5760 x 1080 that performance really dies but then you would'nt be using these cards at those resolutions anyway.

I have a pair of 660Ti's in SLI with an I7 3820 and at 1920 x 1080 I play BF3 at ultra res and the lowest framerate I have ever seen is 59 FPS, it normally sits at around 100 but fluctuates around 80-120 most of the time.

There is no problem with running older generation cards anymore, for example if you had an old DX9 card you had to upgrade to a DX10 card if you wanted to experience the day/night mode on the first Crysis game and also to run BF3 as that is a DX10 only game. A friend of mine still has a tri-SLI watercooled GTX480's and he still gets about 10% more performance than my SLI 660Ti's so he doesn't perceive a need to upgrade either, If the GTX760Ti was going to introduce something new like DX12 then you would have to consider buying the newer card, you could scrape by on a single card but I recommend you get two of them for 3 reasons, the first is that when you come back from your trip you may find that a single card may struggle with newer games e.g. BF4 and secondly you may have to upgrade the card to another one anyway, if you get two of them in SLI you should be pretty much OK to run anything for a year or two at least, the third reason is that if you do want to get a second 660ti then they may be unobtainable as they would be replaced by the 700 series cars. My 660ti's are Gigabyte windforce 2 cards, they are quiet and only 2 slots wide and I highly recommend them.

Finally, perhaps the 760Ti might be 25% faster than a 660Ti but I suspect that it will be 25% more in price anyway (more if there is a shortage of 770's and 780's)

That's my opinion, hope that helps you

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With the price increases they've been forcing lately, the 760 ti might cost more than the 660 ti. The 770 is rumored at $500 (670 was $400), but shortly we'll see.

I'd wait to see anyway though. People will sell to upgrade.
IMO 660ti is already borderline for some demanding games at 1920x1080. I would just wait and see what the 760 ti looks like before doing anything.
I have a similar setup to the OP, 2500k, 8gigs and game at 1080p. With the 660 ti (slightly oced) I was able to play Far Cry 3 with everything on max except with AA off, fps stayed between 50 - 60. Almost all other games I played was capped out at 60 with AA off with the exception of tomb raider, which hovered around 50 outside of cut-scenes. I'm honestly looking to upgrade to the 770 once it comes out as I would like to throw atleast 2xAA on in all games while staying locked at 60fps. The 660ti is a good card, but if your buying now and would like to not have to upgrade for the next 2 years, I think the 770 or 760 would be a better bet, as I think the 660 is powerful, but not enough for newer games, like others have said.
IMO 660ti is already borderline for some demanding games at 1920x1080. I would just wait and see what the 760 ti looks like before doing anything.

+1 on this... i would wait too for the 760ti...
Thanks for the replies.

I should add that this upgrade's only purpose is for me to game for 3-5 months and only for the games mentioned before.
Once i'm back from travelling a year, the first thing i always do is upgrade my entire pc and a new and fast graphic card will be part of that.
So SLI is not really an option, i just want a quick and fast solution for now.
Moreover, the main reason i want a Nvidia now instead of AMD is Adaptive Vsync so i'm not too keen on SLI's micro stuttering either.

I'd have to sleep over it for a night before making any rash decision :D
you can use radeon pro instead of ccc for an amd card and it offers the equivalent of adaptive vsync. for some of those games you have listed you will never come close to averaging 60fps on highest or close to highest settings though so you will have tearing no matter what.
you can use radeon pro instead of ccc for an amd card and it offers the equivalent of adaptive vsync. for some of those games you have listed you will never come close to averaging 60fps on highest or close to highest settings though so you will have tearing no matter what.

Just in metro and crysis 3... In the others game mentioned he will be possible to max out at 1080p and keep rock solid 60FPS. Specially on mentioned DragonAge2, Starcraft2, and MassEffect3.
Just in metro and crysis 3... In the others game mentioned he will be possible to max out at 1080p and keep rock solid 60FPS. Specially on mentioned DragonAge2, Starcraft2, and MassEffect3.
not in Witcher 2 either so that makes half the games he listed.
you can use radeon pro instead of ccc for an amd card and it offers the equivalent of adaptive vsync. for some of those games you have listed you will never come close to averaging 60fps on highest or close to highest settings though so you will have tearing no matter what.

Someone else mentioned this app on the AMD forum too.
Seems weird since i've never heard or read about this before so i'm a bit sceptic.
Anyone have any experience with this app?
If it really does exactly the same as Adaptive Vsync, then a 7950 is a better buy at the moment imo.
radeon pro has been around for a long time and is much better than the CCC. I have not used an AMD card in many years but even back then it was a better alternative.
+1 on this... i would wait too for the 760ti...
As you stated that you wanted to play some games..but wait a bit..and see what the GTX 760 has to offer..
then...depending on your funds go with what suits you the 4 cents :D
Hi people,

I sold my 6950 yesterday to order a Nvidia card, mainly because i want to use Adaptive Vsync.
The second reason is that in a few months i'm going travelling for about a year and want to play as many games on my list before i leave :
StarCraft II, The Witcher 2, Metro Last Light, Dragon Age 2, Mass Effect 3, Skyrim, Crysis 3.
I was about to order a 660ti when i read about the new 700 Series.
I read the 760ti would arrive around mid-june, would be around 20-23% faster than a 660Ti and would cost around $299.
I can get a 660ti now for around the same price here in Belgium.

To play the above games, would it be worth to wait or can i comfortably play them and everything that comes out for the next 3-5 months?
I have an i5-2500K with 8 gigs and play @ 1920x1080.

Please shine your wisdom on me :D


Definitely wait. Why would you turn down 20% more performance at the same pricepoint?
Hi people,

I sold my 6950 yesterday to order a Nvidia card, mainly because i want to use Adaptive Vsync.
The second reason is that in a few months i'm going travelling for about a year and want to play as many games on my list before i leave :
StarCraft II, The Witcher 2, Metro Last Light, Dragon Age 2, Mass Effect 3, Skyrim, Crysis 3.
I was about to order a 660ti when i read about the new 700 Series.
I read the 760ti would arrive around mid-june, would be around 20-23% faster than a 660Ti and would cost around $299.
I can get a 660ti now for around the same price here in Belgium.

To play the above games, would it be worth to wait or can i comfortably play them and everything that comes out for the next 3-5 months?
I have an i5-2500K with 8 gigs and play @ 1920x1080.

Please shine your wisdom on me :D


Wait. Play Mass Effect 3 while you wait. I ran it maxed out with no issue at 60 frame rates with my 560ti and AMD 965. Though if you sold your HD6950 already that might make that impossible. :p
Considering it doesn't look like the Ti version is next week, its just the GTX 760, I would by a 670 and be done with it.

...which is exactly what i did.
But only because i got a sweet deal on a 2nd hand 670.
Finished Last Light yesterday, great game.
It played very well, with all settings maxed out except for ssaa which was turned off.
50-60 fps in general with dips to 30-40 but only in extreme situations.
Next up : Crysis 3 :eek: