Buy 2x 6950's now or wait until after CES?


Jan 7, 2005
About to build SB gaming rig as soon as SB drops.

Buy 2x 6950's now or wait until after CES?

Gaming 3x 2407WFP's
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What are you waiting for?
GTX 560? Considering the flash potential of current 6950's, even if the 560 competes with the 6950, flashing the 6950 matches it to the GTX 570. Essentially, it's a free upgrade.

Anything Nvidia releases will be a slower performer, guaranteed at this point.
The only thing that might concern you, is price. If it's something like $249 and competes with a stock 6950, then you might want to consider it.
Go with the fastest single card. Crossfire is hit or misssss. 6990 is what I am hoping will work for me.
Go with the fastest single card. Crossfire is hit or misssss. 6990 is what I am hoping will work for me.
Well I want to play 3x monitors eyefinity. That means to get any high settings I need at least two 69x0's.
Yeah, so that's my question. Should I wait for the 6990 to be announced? Basically wait until January 9th or pull trigger on 2x 6950's now?
Get two 6950's now. 6990 is going to be more expensive..and considering the existing crop of 6950's can be flashed..they are the best bang for the buck going. Also, because if the high power consumption of the 6970/6950, its likely that a dual GPU board will have made concessions to keep heat and power consumption down. These concessions might come in the form of reduced shaders, clocks speeds, two distinct 6950's will still probably be faster, and two 6970's will definitely be faster.