Buy $100 in Docker's Mens Clothes as Sears, Get a $75 Shell Gas Card.

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Damn $75 wont even get me a tank :(
Yep, very tempting since I was going to be buying some shirts and or pants soon anyway!
In Canada, we have:
+ Dockers
+ Sears
+ Shell Gas

However we cannot participate in this promotion!

That sucks. :mad:

I could use both some pants and some gas,
(just as long as i dont mix the two)
If I had a car this might actually make sense. :D

I do wear Dockers, though... Hrmmm...
this actually is awesome. Since I'm spending tons of cash on my car anyway, its like pants for 25$ , 100$ worth of pants for 25$!
try to imagine what would happen if they sent to every Sears location, a box of $75 dollar shell gift cards that are already activated... lol

Rofl...I worked at Sears for a while. Those cards would have been long gone before they got to the sales force.
Damn $75 wont even get me a tank :(

It will when you win the Toyota Prius! Think optimistically . . .:p.

Edit: Tank size of the Prius is 11.9 gallons, so gas will have to reach ~$6.30/gallon before you're really out of luck.
Got my clothes. Pretty good sales on right now. 2 pairs of khakis and 3 button down wrinkle free shirts for 100.97, 109 after tax.
that's clothes and 3/4 of a tank in my oldsmobile.I hate that 28gallon tank and 12mpg but I love the car and that big ole motor
$75 is about 5 tanks for my motorcycle. I don't like rebates however....
$75 is about 5 tanks for my motorcycle. I don't like rebates however....
hardly matters in this case. Dockers always sell for about the same amount of money.....if you can wear them to work, it's a no brainer....worst case scenario, you have some new pants for works at an average price. I doubt that iwll happen, given that this is Sears and Levis. Of course by the time you get the credit card, gas may be 5 bucks a gallon.
Got my gift card in the mail today, I'm surprised! They included a $10 off $50 purchase card as well.
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