But MBP now or wait until tablet comes out?

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Feb 12, 2005
Fox News 'Confirms' Apple Tablet, iLife 2010, and Next iPhone OS


Anyone have any idea when this new tablet mac might be coming out? I guess we'll find out wednesday. I need to buy 2 uni macbook pro's in the next month and I would love to wait until after this one comes out, as I am sure they will cut prices on the macbook pro's. I just can't wait too long. I am curious when this will come out, and how much it will affect the MBP prices.
No clue about the tablet, but there's a rumor about a MBP refresh for the Jan 27 event. So at least wait till then.
Yeah...the tablet won't be a notebook replacement but I expect them to release new i5 notebooks too.
Are they going to come out immediately after the event or how long does it usually take?

Hardware refreshes are usually immediate, product releases tend to lag a few weeks or months.

The Tablet could happen immediately or as late as June.
So we could see an i5 MBP in stores immediately? I wonder if Apple will lower the prices of the core2 models.
Apple is really good about announcements and immediately after they will be ready for order at apple.com.

I highly suggest waiting till the 27th (I think) to see if the new laptops will use aranndale cores because 32nm is pretty special.
So we could see an i5 MBP in stores immediately? I wonder if Apple will lower the prices of the core2 models.

That's not what Apple does. When new hardware is available, and they're ready to incorporate it, they release an upgrade or revision at the same price point and phase the old model out.

You could buy a refurb or an older model on eBay or Craigslist, but not brand new from Apple.
Right.. I didnt mean brand new. I would rather buy used and save 500 bucks. If they come out with the i7 I was gonna get that new, obviously. Apply is weird about stuff like that. If I went out and bought a core2 model and then a week later the i7 model was out for the same price, thats just bs. They should let people know what the hell is up if they are expecting people to drop 2000+ on a notebook that could very well be worth half as much a few months later.
Right.. I didnt mean brand new. I would rather buy used and save 500 bucks.

Apple Refurb, eBay, Craigslist.

If I went out and bought a core2 model and then a week later the i7 model was out for the same price, thats just bs.

It's not BS at all. Apple's sales strategy revolves around maintaining price points. Look at it the other way around: getting an i5 or i7 for the same price point as a Core 2 Duo model was priced a week earlier is a pretty good deal.

They should let people know what the hell is up if they are expecting people to drop 2000+ on a notebook that could very well be worth half as much a few months later.

Macs don't lose their value like that. Heck, ancient G4 models will still fetch a halfway decent price considering their age. Recent example: my late 2008 unibody MacBook is worth about $900, give or take. Over a year and two hardware revisions later, it's still worth about 3/4ths of what I paid for it. That's pretty good.
They retain value very well, which is the only reason I don't mind paying more. I just think they should keep people more informed about upcoming products. Apple has a great business strategy.. theres no arguing that.
I just think they should keep people more informed about upcoming products.

They have annual keynotes and product refreshes every January, June, and September, with a special presentation scattered here or there. I really don't see the substance of your complaint, unless you're saying Apple should tell everyone ahead of time what products are being refreshed and unveiled... in which case, why bother having the presentation in the first place?

If the MacBook Pro line isn't updated next week, it'll almost assuredly be updated in June.
The way everyone is talking about the unannounced tablet makes me really hope they don't announce one lol
I'd heard that any tablet announced on the 27th won't be available until March. But since we don't even know for sure that Apple is announcing a tablet this month, we also don't know if/when it will be available.

They're very good about keeping things secret except when they intentionally leak little tidbits of information.

But if Apple announces bupkis on Wednesday, their stock is going to take a serious tumble. Just a new iPod OS and software suite won't be enough. Not even an iPod Touch with a camera will do the trick.
But if Apple announces bupkis on Wednesday, their stock is going to take a serious tumble. Just a new iPod OS and software suite won't be enough. Not even an iPod Touch with a camera will do the trick.

If the new iLife has a OneNote like program, it will be worth it to me!
Can anyone tell me what the point of this product is? Honestly, it has super low connectivity, and is essentially a blown up iPhone. Why?
Think of it as Apple's netbook.

Except the things that I would use a netbook for, such as taking notes in class, this doesn't do. Moreover, their models don't coincide with their iPhone. If I have to pay more for internet though ATT for 3G when I can just tether, why should I?

I just feel this is a misplaced product, trying to be too many things, but being nothing at the same time.

Except the things that I would use a netbook for, such as taking notes in class, this doesn't do.

It has a full touch keyboard. How exactly would that bar you from taking notes?

Moreover, their models don't coincide with their iPhone. If I have to pay more for internet though ATT for 3G when I can just tether, why should I?

Buy the version without 3G.

I just feel this is a misplaced product, trying to be too many things, but being nothing at the same time.


It's a netbook alternative.
It has a full touch keyboard. How exactly would that bar you from taking notes?

I haven't used a netbook for extensive typing, but it sounds like I won't be able to type as fast on the iPad. I'm listening to the live stream of MacBreak Weekly, and one of the guests said that he started typing on the keyboard and immediately had to slow down to iPhone speeds. At first he thought with it being a larger size then the iPhone, he could type faster since it's bigger and more open, but in the end he ended up still having to type as slow like being on an iPhone.
it has a headphone jack.

But yeah, it just seems like a giant ipod touch with more screen real estate.

Things that make this more of a meh product to me:
No multitasking
No camera of any kind (ichat anyone)
No built in SD slot (on something this big? come on)
No HD out
keyboard dock has to be used in portrait mode
No Flash(the phone is one thing but this definitely has the power for flash)
4:3 screen with oversized bezel...
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I haven't used a netbook for extensive typing, but it sounds like I won't be able to type as fast on the iPad. I'm listening to the live stream of MacBreak Weekly, and one of the guests said that he started typing on the keyboard and immediately had to slow down to iPhone speeds. At first he thought with it being a larger size then the iPhone, he could type faster since it's bigger and more open, but in the end he ended up still having to type as slow like being on an iPhone.

I would say the same thing about every netbook on the face of the planet, but that hasn't stopped people from buying them for purposes of light transcription.

Yeah except...

-No Flash
-No Headphone jack
-No Multitasking

Welcome to 1990!

Ah, the trolls are out in force today.
Ah, the trolls are out in force today.

Exactly how we he trolling? EVERY SINGLE ONE of those things should be on this. I cant even listen to pandora or chat online while writing a paper? This needs multitasking before it should even be demoed.
Exactly how we he trolling? EVERY SINGLE ONE of those things should be on this. I cant even listen to pandora or chat online while writing a paper? This needs multitasking before it should even be demoed.

How was it not trolling? A persistently-connected 10 inch touch-gesture tablet is somehow a backwards device because it's missing a freaking USB slot? Supposedly missing a headphone jack, which it isn't? Really?

That's trolling, pure and simple.
It has a full touch keyboard. How exactly would that bar you from taking notes?

You can't type nearly as fast on it as you can on a physical keyboard. And the note taking program is just for that, little post-it notes. Not full blown in class notes while recording the lecture.

Buy the version without 3G.

I'm sure I could by the non-3G version, then I'm committed to having wifi only. With a netbook I can have both wifi, and tether my phone and get 3G all at the same price. Moreover, if I'm near a power cable, I can charge both at the same time.

It's a netbook alternative.

Well, for Apple fans, it's the only alternative.
How was it not trolling? A persistently-connected 10 inch touch-gesture tablet is somehow a backwards device because it's missing a freaking USB slot? Supposedly missing a headphone jack, which it isn't? Really?

That's trolling, pure and simple.

His point is valid, his facts are not. Most people have a 3 inch "touch-gesture tablet" (you sound like apple sheep when you say that... next thing you'll tell me this is "magical") in their pocket. At the very least, the one in said pockets has SMS, SD, camera and can be used for tethering. Someone sounds upset that apple released a ipod touch/kindle hybrid.
You can't type nearly as fast on it as you can on a physical keyboard.

Replace "physical" with "full-size" and you have every netbook in existence. Doesn't seem to stop anyone.

And the note taking program is just for that, little post-it notes. Not full blown in class notes while recording the lecture.

You did catch the part about iWork being released on the iPad, yes?

I'm sure I could by the non-3G version, then I'm committed to having wifi only. With a netbook I can have both wifi, and tether my phone and get 3G all at the same price. Moreover, if I'm near a power cable, I can charge both at the same time.

Okay, so you complain about having to pay for 3G, but then you complain about not having it? Make up your mind; nothing's free.

Well, for Apple fans, it's the only alternative.

There is this device called the MacBook Air...

His point is valid, his facts are not.

I disagree. He seems to be criticizing it for diverging from the mental image he had going into the presentation, which is sort of like going into a bike store and flipping out when they refuse to sell you a unicorn.

Most people have a 3 inch "touch-gesture tablet" (you sound like apple sheep when you say that... next thing you'll tell me this is "magical") in their pocket.

If I described it as a "stylus-point tablet" then I would be factually wrong. The thing uses multitouch, therefore it is a touch gesture tablet.

At the very least, the one in said pockets has SMS, SD, camera and can be used for tethering. Someone sounds upset that apple released a ipod touch/kindle hybrid.

They scaled up the iPod Touch, gave it persistent connectivity, and demonstrated the ability to run apps that are close to desktop class. Were it not for the latter, pretty much all of the criticism of the thing would be legitimate. iWork and the potential for iWork-like apps is going to be the major selling point, and people will buy the thing for that reason.

Strange how two years ago everyone complained about the lack of third party applications on the iPhone, and now everyone's complaining when Apple's offering a device that offers the potential for even better third-party apps.
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Why are people comparing this product to a netbook/laptop? They just don't share much in common. Granted, the price is high on this product (whatever you wan't to coin it), but let's think about this for a second:

What does Apple offer across its entire line of products? Answer: High priced, good looking, smooth operating devices.

What exactly is an iPad? Answer: It's a higher priced, better looking, more fully featured Kindle.



Kindle 6" ($260)
Kindle 9" ($489)

e-book reader
downloads books over 3G with no contract
good screen for reading, but no color
1 week battery life
1/3" thick, 10 or 18oz


iPad ($499 - $829)

3g with contract
color screen
touch screen
e-book reader
plays music
surfs the web
bluetooth support
Apps (games, calendar, contacts, email, im, photos, video)
10 hour battery life
1/2" thick, 24oz


It's just not a netbook replacement. If you have netbook needs, get a netbook. If you want an e-reader, the iPad is a super strong candidate. It offers more fun and function at the expense of some e-reader capabilities (the screen and battery life). Is it more expensive than the competition? Please, point me to an Apple product that isn't.

Does it change the way I think about the world? If you really thought this, you're an idiot. It isn't going to revolutionize anything, and it never had the chance to. I love Apple products, but anyone who thinks Apple is changing the world is an idiot. Apple is creating computer products and gadgets with refined, yet simple design. They are taking the complicated and making it easy, while looking good and charging out the ass. They foster a semi-counter culture that appeals to middle-class hybrid owners, while maintaining a style that looks good with a suit. In this case, they saw a popular market (e-readers) and did what they do best - pricey, sexy, easy
I believe the OP has the answer he was looking for.

This thread has gone far enough.
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